Yes welcoming another new year in the calendar of our life and saying goodbye to another one. But i don't think anyone has given it a thought from this angle as i see it. It's days like today that make me realize how little I am concerned with what year it happens to be. I see poems, stories, movies, art, paintings, articles, people, friends, enemies, websites, facebook statuses, listen to songs and so much more all about how 2013 is some amazing phenomenon, a new god or goddess to be ushered in and worshiped. But in reality, it's just a number, a human contrivance. An imaginary concept, an arbitrarily set number to an arbitrarily set date; 2013 is nothing more than a marker for human organization of time and history. And yet, we seem to view it as a natural occurrence, some great transformation of the earth and time itself, the chance to change ourselves as people. But the earth still spins as it did yesterday, the plants and creatures know that we're still in winter and that the snow won't stop falling for this imaginary phenomenon of ours; all while we're celebrating what we call a life-changing turnover in time.
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