मंगलवार, जनवरी 15, 2013


No one can ever understand the poet. For he is a notional representation of what transpires in life. The Good, The Bad, the Unthought, The calibration of a World that once existed and co exists amongst us. A poet will smile even when he does not want to, A Poet will let you join his side when you most need to be together with laughter or an uncongruent feeling that you have inside of you that needs to be exposed. The Poet surrenders to you, the Listener and welcomes you to his realm of thought, provocation and abstinence of malicious judgement and fallice. Thy Poet writes in a Harmony of the past, present and future. With him holding the key to an inner salvation that one often seeks when expressing their inner most thoughts.  Thy Poet is stern and irrevocably pristine to the sadacious appetite of the Modern Society.  Even when in doubt the Poet has thy answer to their inner most sanctions of your world.   He often reaches the deep, inner substraints of a well known phenomenon and a well suited lack of understanding that is within all of our reach as we aspire to a final place where we submit.  As the Sun lacks brightness and vigor the Moon catches a Bright Light to bestow amongst humanity.  A Poet reaches the farthest channels of the Universe once benownst by man kind later to be forgotten 
as a a part of History and the common like.  But this is no common like, it actually shines from afar and captivates the human eye till it renders.  The Light is meager pronouncing itself even with a shade of magnitude. The Light deserves presence that is often unappreciated by man and misunderstood my most women. The conquest of Light is the most inexplicable feat that a Man can encounter. The aphorgy or intricateness of the Sun shining upon a specific dwelling controlled by man. inconsecrated.....

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

कृपया किसी प्रकार का विज्ञापन टिप्पणी मे न दें। किसी प्रकार की आक्रामक, भड़काऊ, अशिष्ट और अपमानजनक भाषा निषिद्ध है | ऐसी टिप्पणीयां और टिप्पणीयां करने वाले लोगों को डिलीट और ब्लाक कर दिया जायेगा | कृपया अपनी गरिमा स्वयं बनाये रखें | कमेन्ट मोडरेशन सक्षम है। अतः आपकी टिप्पणी यहाँ दिखने मे थोड़ा समय लग सकता है ।

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