बुधवार, जनवरी 30, 2013

Deep as the sea

Deep as the sea, deeper than the abyss, further than the ocean. Limits are limitless. Abound I find shore. To close to reach land. Land is distant, distant as the stars in the night filled with crowded spectra or a culmination of stars. Profound as my inner emotion that claims no restrain except when beleagured by humans that claim no identity nor will to live. I derail into a smudgery of unexpressed notion that coexists amongst people I love. Why must I express, this to live and survive. Never did a man look back at his sorrows or unrestrained passion to love, live and learn until one set out to decompass his side. Further than his side he survives to crawl on ocean, land and prevail amongs his no believers and people who choose not to love him nor care. He is strong, he is deep, his side no one knows, as to know this would be to be stronger than will, stronger than man, stronger than who we are.

To know you know me is not enough. For I am deep, deeper than you once thought i was. You express no emotions, I express no regret. Together we comfort each other. I only know joy when I server you or make you happy. When I feel your inner passion you make me a part of you that does not go unnoticed. Life is like a puzzle sometimes we embelish on absolute nonsense until we realize time has taken us by surprise. Yet time has no beginning nor end it is a block of space that we claim and accept as per your pretty woman, I often think about you not knowing how profound you really are. I bask in your lips and succumb to you arms and there I find a peaceful ground owes me to be a person. Allows me to be a part of something bigger.

1 टिप्पणी:

कृपया किसी प्रकार का विज्ञापन टिप्पणी मे न दें। किसी प्रकार की आक्रामक, भड़काऊ, अशिष्ट और अपमानजनक भाषा निषिद्ध है | ऐसी टिप्पणीयां और टिप्पणीयां करने वाले लोगों को डिलीट और ब्लाक कर दिया जायेगा | कृपया अपनी गरिमा स्वयं बनाये रखें | कमेन्ट मोडरेशन सक्षम है। अतः आपकी टिप्पणी यहाँ दिखने मे थोड़ा समय लग सकता है ।

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