शनिवार, दिसंबर 22, 2012

Victory or Defeat

A poem again from my old school days written during the times of Kargil War. Enjoy!

Victory, Victory, Victory
An all round victory - says Atal
A moral victory - says Nawaz 
A marvellous triumph - says Technology
but behind this jubiliations, weeps 
Mankind - desperate in the utter defeat.

Ask the mother - 
Yesterday, with hopes of life in her lap, 
Today, nurses the bodies of dead.

Ask the innocent child - 
Yesterday, the spark of happiess, 
Today, alone in the chilly darkness of fear.

Ask the man whose loyalties pledged - 
Yesterday, a father, a brother, a husband, a son, 
Today, lies unknown, admist unknowns.

Can you return their laughter, their hopes, 
Their precious lives, those dreams you stole?
Wash the blood stains with acid or alcohol?
Wash the tears with perfumed Arabian Kohl ?

When vanity, greed and ambition don the mantle of righteousness
When leaders drunk with power
Forget their roots, their fellomen
When weeds of death cover the garden of life
There in every land, in every heart looms
The dark cloud, the black hand of 
Defeat, Defeat, only Defeat!

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