मंगलवार, अगस्त 21, 2012

My Autobiography

I Lie down
Close my eyes.
And see you
Your face
Your eyes
Your nose
Your lips
Your tongue
Your cheek
But you aren't really there.

I again tried
Close my eyes.
And see you
Your body
Your boobs
Your nipples
Your stomach
Your belly button
Your thighs
Your buttocks
Your pussy
Your feet
But you really aren't there.

I have a knack
For figuring people out.
And you
And me
Are meant to be together.

How can I explain?

I thought that you were there.
I couldn't feel your body
Or anything fun like that.
But I could feel
You know what I mean.

You're one of those people who can feel things, too.

I haven't put much thought into this poem.
It's been
Few minutes
Since I've started writing.
It's not
Freakishly Amazing.

This is not Dante's Inferno.
It is not written to be beautiful.
It is just the truth.
The naked truth of my life.
is not
A story.

It's an Autobiography.

I'm telling you exactly how it is,
What I've seen.

Because I know that you can see it, too.

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