मंगलवार, अगस्त 21, 2012

My Heart

Somebody ask me
Whats wrong ?
So I can pour out my heart
That has been ever so accustomed to swell up

Why shouldn't it?
I've worn it on my sleeve for too long

For it is bloody and bruised 
And has been through too much
And its worn and torn
And has made me tough
Love has tangled itself up
In this mess of my swelling heart
And I couldn't ask for anything more
For this love is whats keeping me sane at any given moment
And this love, its so strong I just can't let it go
This exspression of overflowing emotion 
Has become too much
People around me don't think I'm so tough
For they see my heart fading
My pulse going out
Its finally all gotten to be too much

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