मंगलवार, अक्टूबर 02, 2012

Deep down in my heart I'm still dying to give

There once was a day I dying to live
That same day I was dying to breathe
Deep down in my heart I'm still dying to give
In that same way I'd die to receive

There are many things that we'd like to possess
But that one thing we all want is love
Everyone has that someone they'd love to impress
And I've learned that love comes with a shove

It takes you by surprise and explodes upon impact
Then it blasts you straight off to cloud nine
That thing you once doubted you accept as a fact
In your world all the stars will align

And this warm vibrant feeling you're dying to find
Now you search for that key to your heart
You don't know where to look and you're feeling so blind
Maybe they've been quite close from the start

We're all dying to have that one person to hold
That one star to come down from the sky
You've been searching for something more precious then gold
Maybe that one true love is nearby

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