My heart is dead. It does not want to face this world. Going through emotions today, I felt an out-of-body experience. Like the person was not me, but a bleak part of me. While the real me, with the heart, just watched silently.
The real me knew that the other me was doing, what was required to be done, and questioning me is he doing it well?. But there was no heart in any of it. Because, as I said, my heart is dead.
It’s hiding from pain. It’s hiding from the unknown. It’s hiding its tears. It’s hiding its desires and fears. It's emptiness. It's helplessness.
My heart is dead. It does not show itself. When I smile, the smile does not reach my eyes. When I laugh, my laughter seems hollow. But only to me. No one else guesses why my eyes seem lifeless and the laughter soulless. How can anyone know, when I don’t understand it myself.
But what I do know is that I want to tempt my heart to rise again from its death place like a, "Phoenix". To experience new feelings, to feel new experiences, to meet new people, to explore new places, to finish this emptiness, to be jovial, to sing and dance to the tunes of new life and nature, to lead the same old life. But it does not listen to me.
I wonder what will tempt my heart to come out and live once again. Till then, my heart is dead.
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