Maybe it won't go away, he said.
Maybe it won't end.
Maybe you'll go on out your life;
Maybe you'll always wonder.
You can't just shake it off, he said.
You can't make yourself forget.
You can't shut down your heart;
You can't by yourself, he said.
One day you'll be grown, he said.
One day you'll look back.
One day it might make sense;
Some days it still won't.
Make a choice, he said.
Make it count.
Make yourself better.
Make her a ghost of the past.
But what if, I said,
But what if I can't?
But what if I cry?
But what if I die?
He said, look to God.
He said, look to me.
He said a lot of things
That he didn't really mean.
Maybe it won't end.
Maybe you'll go on out your life;
Maybe you'll always wonder.
You can't just shake it off, he said.
You can't make yourself forget.
You can't shut down your heart;
You can't by yourself, he said.
One day you'll be grown, he said.
One day you'll look back.
One day it might make sense;
Some days it still won't.
Make a choice, he said.
Make it count.
Make yourself better.
Make her a ghost of the past.
But what if, I said,
But what if I can't?
But what if I cry?
But what if I die?
He said, look to God.
He said, look to me.
He said a lot of things
That he didn't really mean.
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