शनिवार, दिसंबर 15, 2012


An article that i wrote for my school magazine during my golden days of life. Now i think did i myself followed this? I also used to smoke around 7-8 years back but somehow i realized my mistake and corrected it. I talked about the number of deaths in 2012. So see, I just found my diary in 2012 merely just to read this article and find out if the percentage of deaths have increased or decreased. Or just to make myself realize what i was actually and later on what i have become. I myself made that mistake of taking up this habit of smoking but God gave me enough mental strength and power that i could leave that bad habit. I request to all my fellow friends and blog readers who smoke that please try to quit smoking. It just only "KILLS".

"Dum Maro Dum, Mit Jayen Gam"
"When a Cigarette is in my Hand, I felt like a Man"

These enchanting lines have enravished the minds of present generation. They are gradually putting a full stop to their lives by inhaling this pure unadulterated poision. 

Had a smoke lately? Were you able to impress your friends? Do you really felt the same? Yes?

But did they realise that what you have enjoyed will lead you towards the path of erebus. If they really had been your friends they would have turned away in disgust. 

"The longest and painful way to committing 'Suicide' is 'Smoking'". It gradually engulfs the entire internal body organs and slowly burns them up in smoke leaving just a hollow exterior.

As for the future, by the time you are seeking for a job, most of the big companies, specially government owned ones, would have banned smoking in their offices and if you happen to be enslaved by smoking then your placement choices would be very limited. 

Well, by the time being with about fifteen year history of smoking when you attain thirty five of your life your lungs would be in a pretty hazardous condition suffering from royal diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure and a weakened heart. After a twenty year experience degree in smoking, after a decade at the age of forty five you will be accompanied  by wheezing and at regular intervals you would be coughing. As you step forward after your golden jubilee you will be spending your time being shunted between hospitals, x-ray labs and pathology labs.

All these years you will be murdering your dear ones too by forcing them to be a passive smoker as they inhale the second hand smoke.

Most probably you started smoking as a fashion trend, to attract your friends, to catch attention or were feeling lonely or to prove that you were grown up or might be any other one. But all these are signs of inferiority complex and an insecure mind

According to the latest survey covered by the "National Organization for Tobacco Eradication" the number of deaths due to smoking will increase from 10 lakhs to 30 lakhs by the year 2012. That will conquer that caused by the disease AIDS.

Recently a journal published that the profits made by the tobacco merchants during the year 1986-87 were just 4% that has increased to 29% in 1996-97. This is due to the new policies and rebates that were given to the cigarette manufacturers. The annual tax collection from this source is around 4500 crores. Can our country work without this income? I feel it can. 

So, at last but not the least I would like to say that never ever try to smoke, even on an experimental basis. But if you have become addicted to it immediately leave it by adopting substitutes like chocolates (then take care of your teeth) or chewing gums. Alternately you can chain yourself to a bed to be out of reach of cigarettes. 

Remember, smoking does not allow to eviate your worries only agravates them.

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