रविवार, दिसंबर 09, 2012

Laud Someone Home

Today i am expatiating
During the wee hours
Of todays' chilling sunday winters
I am actually thinking nothing

My mind is totally empty
My heart is totally filled with affliction
But still i miss someone
Maybe that smile
The way they fills my soul with prosperity

Years have gone past
That have made my heart and myself
Grow despondent

May be someone out there
Can put it back together
I really miss those days
I really miss those people
I really miss the ways
They make me laugh and smile

My real smile
Is now buried under
My big shoddy laugh
But i know that
There is someone 
Still out there 
Have been on the 
Flinty road 
To my heart
Will peer at the stars

And i will 
Laud that someone home

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