मंगलवार, अगस्त 21, 2012

I Want You to Fuck Me

I realized i failed at being erotic, so i wrote this monstrosity to be more blunt, yet quite amusing, not vulgar like it had the potential to become.

I don't need artistic and stylish words
To tell you that I want you to fuck me
I mean, dammit, you should know
You're fucking sexy, sensual and juicy
And I can't help but want you
Just hold me down and fuck me
As much as you want
Just one look at you
Makes me aroused than I can bear
I'll lock myself in my room
And take care of it myself
Though it's your responsibility
Gone and made me wet?
I'll let it slide this time
But, whether you like it or not,
Someday, I'll get you
And I'll fuck you and I guarantee
You'll never forget it

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