रविवार, जनवरी 01, 2012

Will I ?

Will I embarrass you if I ask if I could make love to you?
I will lay you down on a bed of rose petals made just for us two

Will I cause you to blush as I remove your clothes?
I will look you in the eyes, and then kiss you on your nose

Will I cause you to close your eyes when I kiss your lips?
I will pull you real close, my hands holding your hips

Will I cause you to shiver as I kiss you from head to feet?
I will pause for a moment at intervals, to admire your beauty and greet

Will I cause you to tremble as I taste the essences of your love?
I will create a synergy between our worlds as I release and free your dove

Questions I am asking because this is what I want to do
Make love to you all day and night, with unbridled passion that is true...

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