लेख लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
लेख लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

सोमवार, मई 28, 2012

'Touch' is all i need..

I was thinking why people get restless? Maybe it is because they have a desire which is unfulfilled or incomplete.

Then i came to think of the very clichéd question of what is it that I cant live without. And knocking off illegal answers like Books/Music/Food/Water/Air/Sleep/Computers and the likes.. I roughly figured out that it is 'Touch' that I can not do without.

By touch I mean that the real feeling of being loved or loving is not enough - I need presence just as much. I need to feel love and affection under my fingertips.

I don’t know if I am being juvenile in saying this. I am totally aware of truths like - "The one who looks outside dreams, and the one who looks inside awakens", but till the time I dont reach to a level where I can honestly say that I need nothing, not even myself, I would want to believe that it is Touch for me.

Dreamer..... am i ?

"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart."

"What truly is logic, who decides reason? My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logical reasons can be found. I am only here tonight because of you. You are all I am. You are all my reasons."

- from the motion picture, A Beautiful Mind

Is it Normal ? Is it ?

I am getting sooo bored lately that I went into "Chutti kab hogi" mode. Checked the time, fuck its just 2 am in the morning and so many more hours to go and that munna bhai song started playing in my head 'Pal pal pal pal ... kaise katega har pal..' .. I minimized all active windows on my desktop and sat staring blankly at my workstation and just then i noticed - I have the same black wall paper on my PC every single day of the month which I never change and I am doing the same kind of work everyday. Hardly have any interesting people around, nothing new to do, hardly give time to myself and my loved ones, Don't have any more friends left to whom i can visit and enjoy. No love life left nor the lover. My life is totally gone in a dead mode. Think about it. Anyone would be bored with this. This discovery doesnt really make things interesting however, but at least its interesting to know that I am totally normal :|. Sigh.. Stagnation!!

Now I hate Love ???

Have u ever been in love?
Horrible, isnt it.
It makes u vulnerable, it opens up your chest and it opens up ur heart and it means someone can get inside u and mess u up.
You build up all these defences. You build up this armor for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life.
You give them a piece of you, they don’t ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you or smile at you and then your life isnt your own anymore.
Love takes hostages, it gets inside you. It eats you up and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a single phrase like “its over” or “I don’t love you anymore” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart and gut.
How picturesque.
It hurts. Not just in the imagination, not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.
Nothing should be able to do that. Especially not love.
I hate love.

---- Niel Gaiman

Hurt the VAIN or PAIN ?

I really don't know but still ask me every time if its good, fine or ok to fall out of love ?

Has it ever happened that sometimes when you pursue something or someone for so long that you eventually start feeling that you don’t need it anymore?

Slowly the truth seeps in, though quite disbelievingly, that at one point of time when you thought that there was no way you could do without this one thing in your life, now does not affect you.

That sometimes a tiny gesture or even the feeling of possessing it gave you an adrenalin rush but now slowly you cease to feel it.

Not that you don’t feel any thing about it anymore, but its just that it hurts more than it feels nice. Not the thought but the retropection still brings goose pimples on your skin. You feel the slitting pain - like blood gushing out of a deep wound when your skin is pale and cold. Like its drops of blood on a satin white sheet. And you see your life dreams shatter away.

You get disillusioned – you are not sure if you would want to have the desire again, if you would feel the same child like excitement for it again, ever in your life.

But the only constant part of life is that it moves on. It goes on and on, irrespective of how wrecked you feel – how weak you think you have become.

As Robert Frost wrote in a very famous poem of his, “And I have miles to go, before I sleep”.

हज़ारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी की हर ख्वाहिश पे दम निकले

मिर्ज़ा साब की लिखी इन पंक्तियों का असल मतलब आज मेरे रूबरू हुआ है जब जिंदगी से जुड़े कुछ ऐसे अहम किरदारों ने भी बेवजह बड़ी ही बेतकुल्लफी से मेरे दिल को तोड़ कर मेरे ख्वाबों, ख्वाहिशों और जज्बातों को बेज़ार और तार तार कर के रख दिया | उन किरदारों के रवईये से यह साफ़ ज़ाहिर था के दिली-मुरव्वत और बेपनाह मोहब्बत की ख्वाइशें के असल मायेने क्या होते हैं और किसी के किसी के लिए बेपनाह मोहब्बत के जज्बातों की कद्र और कीमत क्या होती है यह उन्हें कभी एहसास न हो सका था और न हो सकता है और न कभी हो सकेगा | काश कोई मुझे और मेरे दिल को पढ़ सकता कोई तो ऐसा होता जो मुझे समझ सकता |

पर  मेरी मोहब्बत और मेरी ख्वाहिशों का बयां हमेशा वही रहेगा जो रहा था और वही काफ़िर सनम उन सपनो और जज्बातों में रहेगा जो हमेशा रहा है | दुनिया के बदलने से अगर मैं भी बदल जाऊंगा तो दुनिया में और मेरे में क्या फर्क रह जायेगा .......... काश कोई होता !!!!!!!!!!

हज़ारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी की हर ख्वाहिश पे दम निकले,
बहुत निकले मेरे अरमान लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले ।

निकलना खुल्द से आदम का सुनते आये हैं लेकिन,
बहुत बेआबरू हो कर तेरे कूचे से हम निकले ।

मुहब्बत में नही है फर्क जीने और मरने का,
उसी को देख कर जीते हैं जिस काफिर पे दम निकले ।

ख़ुदा के वास्ते पर्दा ना काबे से उठा ज़ालिम,
कहीं ऐसा ना हो यां भी वही काफिर सनम निकले ।

क़हाँ मैखाने का दरवाज़ा 'ग़ालिब' और कहाँ वाइज़,
पर इतना जानते हैं कल वो जाता था के हम निकले।

मंगलवार, अप्रैल 10, 2012

The Tajmahal is Tejomahalay - A Hindu Temple

Probably there is no one who has been duped at least once in a life time. But can the whole world can be duped? This may seem impossible. But in the matter of indian and world history the world can be duped in many respects for hundreds of years and still continues to be duped. The world famous Tajmahal is a glaring instance. For all the time, money and energy that people over the world spend in visiting the Tajmahal, they are dished out of concoction. Contrary to what visitors are made to believe the Tajmahal is not a Islamic mausoleum but an ancient Shiva Temple known as Tejo Mahalaya which the 5th generation moghul emperor Shahjahan commandeered from the then Maharaja of Jaipur. The Tajmahal, should therefore, be viewed as a temple palace and not as a tomb. That makes a vast difference. You miss the details of its size, grandeur, majesty and beauty when you take it to be a mere tomb. When told that you are visiting a temple palace you wont fail to notice its annexes, ruined defensive walls, hillocks, moats, cascades, fountains, majestic garden, hundreds of rooms archaded verendahs, terraces, multi stored towers, secret sealed chambers, guest rooms, stables, the trident (Trishul) pinnacle on the dome and the sacred, esoteric Hindu letter "OM" carved on the exterior of the wall of the sanctum sanctorum now occupied by the centotaphs. For detailed proof of this breath taking discovery,you may read the well known historian Shri. P. N. Oak's celebrated book titled " Tajmahal : The True Story". But let us place before you, for the time being an exhaustive summary of the massive evidence ranging over hundred points:

1.The term Tajmahal itself never occurs in any mogul court paper or chronicle even in Aurangzeb's time. The attempt to explain it away as Taj-i-mahal is therefore, ridiculous.

2.The ending "Mahal"is never muslim because in none of the muslim countries around the world from Afghanistan to Algeria is there a building known as "Mahal".

3.The unusual explanation of the term Tajmahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal, who is buried in it, is illogical in at least two respects viz., firstly her name was never Mumtaj Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani and secondly one cannot omit the first three letters "Mum" from a woman's name to derive the remainder as the name of the building.

4.Since the lady's name was Mumtaz (ending with 'Z') the name of the building derived from her should have been Taz Mahal, if at all, and not Taj (spelled with a 'J').

5.Several European visitors of Shahjahan's time allude to the building as Taj-e-Mahal is almost the correct tradition, age old Sanskrit name Tej-o-Mahalaya, signifying a Shiva temple. Contrarily Shahjahan and Aurangzeb scrupulously avoid using the Sanskrit term and call it just a holy grave.

6.The tomb should be understood to signify NOT A BUILDING but only the grave or centotaph inside it. This would help people to realize that all dead muslim courtiers and royalty including Humayun, Akbar, Mumtaz, Etmad-ud-Daula and Safdarjang have been buried in capture Hindu mansions and temples.

7.Moreover, if the Taj is believed to be a burial place, how can the term Mahal, i.e., mansion apply to it?

8.Since the term Taj Mahal does not occur in mogul courts it is absurd to search for any mogul explanation for it. Both its components namely, 'Taj' and' Mahal' are of Sanskrit origin.

9.The term Taj Mahal is a corrupt form of the sanskrit term TejoMahalay signifying a Shiva Temple. Agreshwar Mahadev i.e., The Lord of Agra was consecrated in it.

10.The tradition of removing the shoes before climbing the marble platform originates from pre Shahjahan times when the Taj was a Shiva Temple. Had the Taj originated as a tomb, shoes need not have to be removed because shoes are a necessity in a cemetery.

11.Visitors may notice that the base slab of the centotaph is the marble basement in plain white while its superstructure and the other three centotaphs on the two floors are covered with inlaid creeper designs. This indicates that the marble pedestal of the Shiva idol is still in place and Mumtaz's centotaphs are fake.

12.The pitchers carved inside the upper border of the marble lattice plus those mounted on it number 108-a number sacred in Hindu Temple tradition.

13.There are persons who are connected with the repair and the maintainance of the Taj who have seen the ancient sacred Shiva Linga and other idols sealed in the thick walls and in chambers in the secret, sealed red stone stories below the marble basement. The Archaeological Survey of India is keeping discretely, politely and diplomatically silent about it to the point of dereliction of its own duty to probe into hidden historical evidence.

14.In India there are 12 Jyotirlingas i.e., the outstanding Shiva Temples. The Tejomahalaya alias The Tajmahal appears to be one of them known as Nagnatheshwar since its parapet is girdled with Naga, i.e., Cobra figures. Ever since Shahjahan's capture of it the sacred temple has lost its Hindudom.

15.The famous Hindu treatise on architecture titled Vishwakarma Vastushastra mentions the 'Tej-Linga' amongst the Shivalingas i.e., the stone emblems of Lord Shiva, the Hindu deity. Such a Tej Linga was consecrated in the Taj Mahal, hence the term Taj Mahal alias Tejo Mahalaya.

16.Agra city, in which the Taj Mahal is located, is an ancient centre of Shiva worship. Its orthodox residents have through ages continued the tradition of worshipping at five Shiva shrines before taking the last meal every night especially during the month of Shravan. During the last few centuries the residents of Agra had to be content with worshipping at only four prominent Shiva temples viz., Balkeshwar, Prithvinath, Manakameshwar and Rajarajeshwar. They had lost track of the fifth Shiva deity which their forefathers worshipped. Apparently the fifth was Agreshwar Mahadev Nagnatheshwar i.e., The Lord Great God of Agra, The Deity of the King of Cobras, consecrated in the Tejomahalay alias Tajmahal.

17.The people who dominate the Agra region are Jats. Their name of Shiva is Tejaji. The Jat special issue of The Illustrated Weekly of India (June 28,1971) mentions that the Jats have the Teja Mandirs i.e., Teja Temples. This is because Teja-Linga is among the several names of the Shiva Lingas. From this it is apparent that the Taj-Mahal is Tejo-Mahalaya, The Great Abode of Tej.

18. Shahjahan's own court chronicle, the Badshahnama, admits (page 403, vol 1) that a grand mansion of unique splendor, capped with a dome (Imaarat-a-Alishan wa Gumbaze) was taken from the Jaipur Maharaja Jaisigh for Mumtaz's burial, and the building was known as Raja Mansingh's palace.

19. The plaque put the archealogy department outside the Tajmahal describes the edifice as a mausoleum built by Shahjahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal , over 22 years from 1631 to 1653. That plaque is a specimen of historical bungling. Firstly, the plaque sites no authority for its claim. Secondly the lady's name was Mumtaz-ulZamani and not Mumtazmahal. Thirdly, the period of 22 years is taken from some mumbo jumbo noting by an unreliable French visitor Tavernier, to the exclusion of all muslim versions, which is an absurdity.

20. Prince Aurangzeb's letter to his father,emperor Shahjahan,is recorded in atleast three chronicles titled `Aadaab-e-Alamgiri', `Yadgarnama', and the `Muruqqa-i-Akbarabadi' (edited by Said Ahmed, Agra, 1931, page 43, footnote 2). In that letter Aurangzeb records in 1652 A.D itself that the several buildings in the fancied burial place of Mumtaz were seven storeyed and were so old that they were all leaking, while the dome had developed a crack on the northern side.Aurangzeb, therefore, ordered immediate repairs to the buildings at his own expense while recommending to the emperor that more elaborate repairs be carried out later. This is the proof that during Shahjahan's reign itself that the Taj complex was so old as to need immediate repairs.

21. The ex-Maharaja of Jaipur retains in his secret personal `KapadDwara' collection two orders from Shahjahan dated Dec 18, 1633 (bearing modern nos. R.176 and 177) requestioning the Taj building complex. That was so blatant a usurpation that the then ruler of Jaipur was ashamed to make the document public.

22. The Rajasthan State archives at Bikaner preserve three other firmans addressed by Shahjahan to the Jaipur's ruler Jaising ordering the latter to supply marble (for Mumtaz's grave and koranic grafts) from his Makranna quarris, and stone cutters. Jaisingh was apparently so enraged at the blatant seizure of the Tajmahal that he refused to oblige Shahjahan by providing marble for grafting koranic engravings and fake centotaphs for further desecration of the Tajmahal. Jaising looked at Shahjahan's demand for marble and stone cutters, as an insult added to injury. Therefore, he refused to send any marble and instead detained the stone cutters in his protective custody.

23. The three firmans demanding marble were sent to Jaisingh within about two years of Mumtaz's death. Had Shahjahan really built the Tajmahal over a period of 22 years, the marble would have needed only after 15 or 20 years not immediately after Mumtaz's death.

24. Moreover, the three mention neither the Tajmahal, nor Mumtaz, nor the burial. The cost and the quantity of the stone also are not mentioned. This proves that an insignificant quantity of marble was needed just for some supercial tinkering and tampering with the Tajmahal. Even otherwise Shahjahan could never hope to build a fabulous Tajmahal by abject dependence for marble on a non cooperative Jaisingh.

25. Tavernier, a French jeweller has recorded in his travel memoirs that Shahjahan purposely buried Mumtaz near the Taz-i-Makan (i.e.,`The Taj building') where foriegners used to come as they do even today so that the world may admire. He also adds that the cost of the scaffolding was more than that of the entire work. The work that Shahjahan commissioned in the Tejomahalaya Shiva temple was plundering at the costly fixtures inside it, uprooting the Shiva idols, planting the centotaphs in their place on two stories, inscribing the koran along the arches and walling up six of the seven stories of the Taj. It was this plunder, desecrating and plunderring of the rooms which took 22 years.

26. Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra recorded in 1632 (within only a year of Mumtaz's death) that `the places of note in and around Agra, included Taj-e-Mahal's tomb, gardens and bazaars'.He, therefore, confirms that that the Tajmahal had been a noteworthy building even before Shahjahan.

27. De Laet, a Dutch official has listed Mansingh's palace about a mile from Agra fort, as an outstanding building of pre shahjahan's time. Shahjahan's court chronicle, the Badshahnama records, Mumtaz's burial in the same Mansingh's palace.

28. Bernier, a contemporary French visitor has noted that non muslim's were barred entry into the basement (at the time when Shahjahan requisitioned Mansingh's palace) which contained a dazzling light. Obviously, he reffered to the silver doors, gold railing, the gem studded lattice and strings of pearl hanging over Shiva's idol. Shahjahan comandeered the building to grab all the wealth, making Mumtaz's death a convineant pretext.

29. Johan Albert Mandelslo, who describes life in agra in 1638 (only 7 years after mumtaz's death) in detail (in his `Voyages and Travels to West-Indies', published by John Starkey and John Basset, London), makes no mention of the Tajmahal being under constuction though it is commonly erringly asserted or assumed that the Taj was being built from 1631 to 1653.

30. A Sanskrit inscription too supports the conclusion that the Taj originated as a Shiva temple. Wrongly termed as the Bateshwar inscription (currently preserved on the top floor of the Lucknow museum), it refers to the raising of a "crystal white Shiva temple so alluring that Lord Shiva once enshrined in it decided never to return to Mount Kailash his usual abode". That inscription dated 1155 A.D. was removed from the Tajmahal garden at Shahjahan's orders. Historicians and Archeaologists have blundered in terming the insription the `Bateshwar inscription' when the record doesn't say that it was found by Bateshwar. It ought, in fact, to be called `The Tejomahalaya inscription' because it was originally installed in the Taj garden before it was uprooted and cast away at Shahjahan's command.
A clue to the tampering by Shahjahan is found on pages 216-217, vol. 4, of Archealogiical Survey of India Reports (published 1874) stating that a "great square black balistic pillar which, with the base and capital of another pillar....now in the grounds of Agra,...it is well known, once stood in the garden of Tajmahal".

31. Far from the building of the Taj, Shahjahan disfigured it with black koranic lettering and heavily robbed it of its Sanskrit inscription, several idols and two huge stone elephants extending their trunks in a welcome arch over the gateway where visitors these days buy entry tickets. An Englishman, Thomas Twinning, records (pg.191 of his book "Travels in India A Hundred Years ago") that in November 1794 "I arrived at the high walls which enclose the Taj-e-Mahal and its circumjacent buildings. I here got out of the palanquine and.....mounted a short flight of steps leading to a beautiful portal which formed the centre of this side of the `COURT OF ELEPHANTS" as the great area was called."

32. The Taj Mahal is scrawled over with 14 chapters of the Koran but nowhere is there even the slightest or the remotest allusion in that Islamic overwriting to Shahjahan's authorship of the Taj. Had Shahjahan been the builder he would have said so in so many words before beginning to quote Koran.

33. That Shahjahan, far from building the marble Taj, only disfigured it with black lettering is mentioned by the inscriber Amanat Khan Shirazi himself in an inscription on the building. A close scrutiny of the Koranic lettering reveals that they are grafts patched up with bits of variegated stone on an ancient Shiva temple.

34. A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of the Taj subjected to the carbon 14 test by an American Laboratory, has revealed that the door to be 300 years older than Shahjahan,since the doors of the Taj, broken open by Muslim invaders repeatedly from the 11th century onwards, had to b replaced from time to time. The Taj edifice is much more older. It belongs to 1155 A.D, i.e., almost 500 years anterior to Shahjahan.

35. Well known Western authorities on architechture like E.B.Havell, Mrs.Kenoyer and Sir W.W.Hunterhave gone on record to say that the TajMahal is built in the Hindu temple style. Havell points out the ground plan of the ancient Hindu Chandi Seva Temple in Java is identical with that of the Taj.

36. A central dome with cupolas at its four corners is a universal feature of Hindu temples.

37. The four marble pillars at the plinth corners are of the Hindu style. They are used as lamp towers during night and watch towers during the day. Such towers serve to demarcate the holy precincts. Hindu wedding altars and the altar set up for God Satyanarayan worship have pillars raised at the four corners.

38. The octagonal shape of the Tajmahal has a special Hindu significance because Hindus alone have special names for the eight directions, and celestial guards assigned to them. The pinnacle points to the heaven while the foundation signifies to the nether world. Hindu forts, cities, palaces and temples genrally have an octagonal layout or some octagonal features so that together with the pinnacle and the foundation they cover all the ten directions in which the king or God holds sway, according to Hindu belief.

39. The Tajmahal has a trident pinncle over the dome. A full scale of the trident pinnacle is inlaid in the red stone courtyard to the east of the Taj. The central shaft of the trident depicts a "Kalash" (sacred pot) holding two bent mango leaves and a coconut. This is a sacred Hindu motif. Identical pinnacles have been seen over Hindu and Buddhist temples in the Himalayan region. Tridents are also depicted against a red lotus background at the apex of the stately marble arched entrances on all four sides of the Taj. People fondly but mistakenly believed all these centuries that the Taj pinnacle depicts a Islamic cresent and star was a lighting conductor installed by the British rulers in India. Contrarily, the pinnacle is a marvel of Hindu metallurgy since the pinnacle made of non rusting alloy, is also perhaps a lightning deflector. That the pinnacle of the replica is drawn in the eastern courtyard is significant because the east is of special importance to the Hindus, as the direction in which the sun rises. The pinnacle on the dome has the word `Allah' on it after capture. The pinnacle figure on the ground does not have the word Allah.

40. The two buildings which face the marble Taj from the east and west are identical in design, size and shape and yet the eastern building is explained away by Islamic tradition, as a community hall while the western building is claimed to be a mosque. How could buildings meant for radically different purposes be identical? This proves that the western building was put to use as a mosque after seizure of the Taj property by Shahjahan. Curiously enough the building being explained away as a mosque has no minaret. They form a pair af reception pavilions of the Tejomahalaya temple palace.

41. A few yards away from the same flank is the Nakkar Khana alias DrumHouse which is a intolerable incongruity for Islam. The proximity of the Drum House indicates that the western annex was not originally a mosque. Contrarily a drum house is a neccesity in a Hindu temple or palace because Hindu chores,in the morning and evening, begin to the sweet strains of music.

42. The embossed patterns on the marble exterior of the centotaph chamber wall are foilage of the conch shell design and the Hindu letter "OM". The octagonally laid marble lattices inside the centotaph chamber depict pink lotuses on their top railing. The Lotus, the conch and the OM are the sacred motifs associated with the Hindu deities and temples.

43. The spot occupied by Mumtaz's centotaph was formerly occupied by the Hindu Teja Linga a lithic representation of Lord Shiva. Around it are five perambulatory passages. Perambulation could be done around the marble lattice or through the spacious marble chambers surrounding the centotaph chamber, and in the open over the marble platform. It is also customary for the Hindus to have apertures along the perambulatory passage, overlooking the deity. Such apertures exist in the perambulatories in the Tajmahal.

44. The sanctom sanctorum in the Taj has silver doors and gold railings as Hindu temples have. It also had nets of pearl and gems stuffed in the marble lattices. It was the lure of this wealth which made Shahjahan commandeer the Taj from a helpless vassal Jaisingh, the then ruler of Jaipur.

45. Peter Mundy, a Englishman records (in 1632, within a year of Mumtaz's death) having seen a gem studded gold railing around her tomb. Had the Taj been under construction for 22 years, a costly gold railing would not have been noticed by Peter mundy within a year of Mumtaz's death. Such costl fixtures are installed in a building only after it is ready for use. This indicates that Mumtaz's centotaph was grafted in place of the Shivalinga in the centre of the gold railings. Subsequently the gold railings, silver doors, nets of pearls, gem fillings etc. were all carried away to Shahjahan's treasury. The seizure of the Taj thus constituted an act of highhanded Moghul robery causing a big row between Shahjahan and Jaisingh.

46. In the marble flooring around Mumtaz's centotaph may be seen tiny mosaic patches. Those patches indicate the spots where the support for the gold railings were embedded in the floor. They indicate a rectangular fencing.

47. Above Mumtaz's centotaph hangs a chain by which now hangs a lamp. Before capture by Shahjahan the chain used to hold a water pitcher from which water used to drip on the Shivalinga.

48. It is this earlier Hindu tradition in the Tajmahal which gave the Islamic myth of Shahjahan's love tear dropping on Mumtaz's tomb on the full moon day of the winter eve.

49. Between the so-called mosque and the drum house is a multistoried octagonal well with a flight of stairs reaching down to the water level. This is a traditional treasury well in Hindu temple palaces. Treasure chests used to be kept in the lower apartments while treasury personnel had their offices in the upper chambers. The circular stairs made it difficult for intruders to reach down to the treasury or to escape with it undetected or unpursued. In case the premises had to be surrendered to a besieging enemy the treasure could be pushed into the well to remain hidden from the conquerer and remain safe for salvaging if the place was reconquered. Such an elaborate multistoried well is superflous for a mere mausoleum. Such a grand, gigantic well is unneccesary for a tomb.

50. Had Shahjahan really built the Taj Mahal as a wonder mausoleum, history would have recorded a specific date on which she was ceremoniously buried in the Taj Mahal. No such date is ever mentioned. This important missing detail decisively exposes the falsity of the Tajmahal legend.

51. Even the year of Mumtaz's death is unknown. It is variously speculated to be 1629, 1630, 1631 or 1632. Had she deserved a fabulous burial, as is claimed, the date of her death had not been a matter of much speculation. In an harem teeming with 5000 women it was difficult to keep track of dates of death. Apparently the date of Mumtaz's death was so insignificant an event, as not to merit any special notice. Who would then build a Taj for her burial?

52. Stories of Shahjahan's exclusive infatuation for Mumtaz's are concoctions. They have no basis in history nor has any book ever written on their fancied love affairs. Those stories have been invented as an afterthought to make Shahjahan's authorship of the Taj look plausible.

53. The cost of the Taj is nowhere recorded in Shahjahan's court papers because Shahjahan never built the Tajmahal. That is why wild estimates of the cost by gullible writers have ranged from 4 million to 91.7 million rupees.

54. Likewise the period of construction has been guessed to be anywhere between 10 years and 22 years. There would have not been any scope for guesswork had the building construction been on record in the court papers.

55. The designer of the Tajmahal is also variously mentioned as Essa Effendy, a Persian or Turk, or Ahmed Mehendis or a Frenchman, Austin deBordeaux, or Geronimo Veroneo, an Italian, or Shahjahan himself.

56. Twenty thousand labourers are supposed to have worked for 22 years during Shahjahan's reign in building the Tajmahal. Had this been true, there should have been available in Shahjahan's court papers design drawings, heaps of labour muster rolls, daily expenditure sheets, bills and receipts of material ordered, and commisioning orders. There is not even a scrap of paper of this kind.

57. It is, therefore, court flatterers,blundering historians, somnolent archeologists, fiction writers, senile poets, careless tourists officials and erring guides who are responsible for hustling the world into believing in Shahjahan's mythical authorship of the Taj.

58. Description of the gardens around the Taj of Shahjahan's time mention Ketaki, Jai, Jui, Champa, Maulashree, Harshringar and Bel. All these are plants whose flowers or leaves are used in the worship of Hindu deities. Bel leaves are exclusively used in Lord Shiva's worship. A graveyard is planted only with shady trees because the idea of using fruit and flower from plants in a cemetary is abhorrent to human conscience. The presence of Bel and other flower plants in the Taj garden is proof of its having been a Shiva temple before seizure by Shahjahan.

59. Hindu temples are often built on river banks and sea beaches. The Taj is one such built on the bank of the Yamuna river an ideal location for a Shiva temple.

60. Prophet Mohammad has ordained that the burial spot of a muslim should be inconspicous and must not be marked by even a single tombstone. In flagrant violation of this, the Tajamhal has one grave in the basement and another in the first floor chamber both ascribed to Mumtaz. Those two centotaphs were infact erected by Shahjahan to bury the two tier Shivalingas that were consecrated in the Taj. It is customary for Hindus to install two Shivalingas one over the other in two stories as may be seen in the Mahankaleshwar temple in Ujjain and the Somnath temple raised by Ahilyabai in Somnath Pattan.

61. The Tajmahal has identical entrance arches on all four sides. This is a typical Hindu building style known as Chaturmukhi, i.e.,four faced.

62. The Tajmahal has a reverberating dome. Such a dome is an absurdity for a tomb which must ensure peace and silence. Contrarily reverberating domes are a neccesity in Hindu temples because they create an ecstatic dinmultiplying and magnifying the sound of bells, drums and pipes accompanying the worship of Hindu deities.

63. The Tajmahal dome bears a lotus cap. Original Islamic domes have a bald top as is exemplified by the Pakistan Embassy in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, and the domes in the Pakistan's newly built capital Islamabad.

64. The Tajmahal entrance faces south. Had the Taj been an Islamic building it should have faced the west.

65. A widespread misunderstanding has resulted in mistaking the building for the grave.Invading Islam raised graves in captured buildings in every country it overran. Therefore, hereafter people must learn not to confound the building with the grave mounds which are grafts in conquered buildings. This is true of the Tajmahal too. One may therefore admit (for arguments sake) that Mumtaz lies buried inside the Taj. But that should not be construed to mean that the Taj was raised over Mumtaz's grave.

66. The Taj is a seven storied building. Prince Aurangzeb also mentions this in his letter to Shahjahan. The marble edifice comprises four stories including the lone, tall circular hall inside the top, and the lone chamber in the basement. In between are two floors each containing 12 to 15 palatial rooms. Below the marble plinth reaching down to the river at the rear are two more stories in red stone. They may be seen from the river bank. The seventh storey must be below the ground (river) level since every ancient Hindu building had a subterranian storey.

67. Immediately bellow the marble plinth on the river flank are 22 rooms in red stone with their ventilators all walled up by Shahjahan. Those rooms, made uninhibitably by Shahjahan, are kept locked by Archealogy Department of India. The lay visitor is kept in the dark about them. Those 22 rooms still bear ancient Hindu paint on their walls and ceilings. On their side is a nearly 33 feet long corridor. There are two door frames one at either end ofthe corridor. But those doors are intriguingly sealed with brick and lime.

68. Apparently those doorways originally sealed by Shahjahan have been since unsealed and again walled up several times. In 1934 a resident of Delhi took a peep inside from an opening in the upper part of the doorway. To his dismay he saw huge hall inside. It contained many statues huddled around a central beheaded image of Lord Shiva. It could be that, in there, are Sanskrit inscriptions too. All the seven stories of the Tajmahal need to be unsealed and scoured to ascertain what evidence they may be hiding in the form of Hindu images, Sanskrit inscriptions, scriptures, coins and utensils.

69. Apart from Hindu images hidden in the sealed stories it is also learnt that Hindu images are also stored in the massive walls of the Taj. Between 1959 and 1962 when Mr. S.R. Rao was the Archealogical Superintendent in Agra, he happened to notice a deep and wide crack in the wall of the central octagonal chamber of the Taj. When a part of the wall was dismantled to study the crack out popped two or three marble images. The matter was hushed up and the images were reburied where they had been embedded at Shahjahan's behest. Confirmation of this has been obtained from several sources. It was only when I began my investigation into the antecedents of the Taj I came across the above information which had remained a forgotten secret. What better proof is needed of the Temple origin of the Tajmahal? Its walls and sealed chambers still hide in Hindu idols that were consecrated in it before Shahjahan's seizure of the Taj.

70. Apparently the Taj as a central palace seems to have an chequered history. The Taj was perhaps desecrated and looted by every Muslim invader from Mohammad Ghazni onwards but passing into Hindu hands off and on, the sanctity of the Taj as a Shiva temple continued to be revived after every muslim onslaught. Shahjahan was the last muslim to desecrate the Tajmahal alias Tejomahalay.

71. Vincent Smith records in his book titled `Akbar the Great Moghul' that `Babur's turbulent life came to an end in his garden palace in Agra in 1630'. That palace was none other than the Tajmahal.

72. Babur's daughter Gulbadan Begum in her chronicle titled `Humayun Nama' refers to the Taj as the Mystic House.

73. Babur himself refers to the Taj in his memoirs as the palace captured by Ibrahim Lodi containing a central octagonal chamber and having pillars on the four sides. All these historical references allude to the Taj 100 years before Shahjahan.

74. The Tajmahal precincts extend to several hundred yards in all directions. Across the river are ruins of the annexes of the Taj, the bathing ghats and a jetty for the ferry boat. In the Victoria gardens outside covered with creepers is the long spur of the ancient outer wall ending in a octagonal red stone tower. Such extensive grounds all magnificently done up, are a superfluity for a grave.

75. Had the Taj been specially built to bury Mumtaz, it should not have been cluttered with other graves. But the Taj premises contain several graves atleast in its eastern and southern pavilions.

76. In the southern flank, on the other side of the Tajganj gate are buried in identical pavilions queens Sarhandi Begum, and Fatehpuri Begum and a maid Satunnisa Khanum. Such parity burial can be justified only if the queens had been demoted or the maid promoted. But since Shahjahan had commandeered (not built) the Taj, he reduced it general to a muslim cemetary as was the habit of all his Islamic predeccssors, and buried a queen in a vacant pavillion and a maid in another idenitcal pavilion.

77. Shahjahan was married to several other women before and after Mumtaz. She, therefore, deserved no special consideration in having a wonder mausoleum built for her.

78. Mumtaz was a commoner by birth and so she did not qualify for a fairyland burial.

79. Mumtaz died in Burhanpur which is about 600 miles from Agra. Her grave there is intact. Therefore ,the centotaphs raised in stories of the Taj in her name seem to be fakes hiding in Hindu Shiva emblems.

80. Shahjahan seems to have simulated Mumtaz's burial in Agra to find a pretext to surround the temple palace with his fierce and fanatic troops and remove all the costly fixtures in his treasury. This finds confirmation in the vague noting in the Badshahnama which says that the Mumtaz's (exhumed) body was brought to Agra from Burhanpur and buried `next year'. An official term would not use a nebulous term unless it is to hide some thing.

81. A pertinent consideration is that a Shahjahan who did not build any palaces for Mumtaz while she was alive, would not build a fabulous mausoleum for a corpse which was no longer kicking or clicking.

82. Another factor is that Mumtaz died within two or three years of Shahjahan becoming an emperor. Could he amass so much superflous wealth in that short span as to squander it on a wonder mausoleum?

83. While Shahjahan's special attachment to Mumtaz is nowhere recorded in history his amorous affairs with many other ladies from maids to mannequins including his own daughter Jahanara, find special attention in accounts of Shahjahan's reign. Would Shahjahan shower his hard earned wealth on Mumtaz's corpse?

84. Shahjahan was a stingy, usurious monarch. He came to throne murdering all his rivals. He was not therefore, the doting spendthrift that he is made out to be.

85. A Shahjahan disconsolate on Mumtaz's death is suddenly credited with a resolve to build the Taj. This is a psychological incongruity. Grief is a disabling, incapacitating emotion.

86. A infatuated Shahjahan is supposed to have raised the Taj over the dead Mumtaz, but carnal, physical sexual love is again a incapacitating emotion. A womaniser is ipso facto incapable of any constructive activity. When carnal love becomes uncontrollable the person either murders somebody or commits suicide. He cannot raise a Tajmahal. A building like the Taj invariably originates in an ennobling emotion like devotion to God, to one's mother and mother country or power and glory.

87. Early in the year 1973, chance digging in the garden in front of the Taj revealed another set of fountains about six feet below the present fountains. This proved two things. Firstly, the subterranean fountains were there before Shahjahan laid the surface fountains. And secondly that those fountains are aligned to the Taj that edifice too is of pre Shahjahan origin. Apparently the garden and its fountains had sunk from annual monsoon flooding and lack of maintenance for centuries during the Islamic rule.

88. The stately rooms on the upper floor of the Tajmahal have been striped of their marble mosaic by Shahjahan to obtain matching marble for raising fake tomb stones inside the Taj premises at several places. Contrasting with the rich finished marble ground floor rooms the striping of the marble mosaic covering the lower half of the walls and flooring of the upper storey have given those rooms a naked, robbed look. Since no visitors are allowed entry to the upper storey this despoilation by Shahjahan has remained a well guarded secret. There is no reason why Shahjahan's loot of the upper floor marble should continue to be hidden from the public even after 200 years of termination of Moghul rule.

89. Bernier, the French traveller has recorded that no non muslim was allowed entry into the secret nether chambers of the Taj because there are some dazzling fixtures there. Had those been installed by Shahjahan they should have been shown the public as a matter of pride. But since it was commandeered Hindu wealth which Shahjahan wanted to remove to his treasury, he didn't want the public to know about it.

90. The approach to Taj is dotted with hillocks raised with earth dugout from foundation trenches. The hillocks served as outer defences of the Taj building complex. Raising such hillocks from foundation earth, is a common Hindu device of hoary origin. Nearby Bharatpur provides a graphic parallel.
Peter Mundy has recorded that Shahjahan employed thousands of labourers to level some of those hillocks. This is a graphic proof of the Tajmahal existing before Shahjahan.

91. At the backside of the river bank is a Hindu crematorium, several palaces, Shiva temples and bathings of ancient origin. Had Shahjahan built the Tajmahal, he would have destroyed the Hindu features.

92. The story that Shahjahan wanted to build a Black marble Taj across the river, is another motivated myth. The ruins dotting the other side of the river are those of Hindu structures demolished during muslim invasions and not the plinth of another Tajmahal. Shahjahan who did not even build the white Tajmahal would hardly ever think of building a black marble Taj. He was so miserly that he forced labourers to work gratis even in the superficial tampering neccesary to make a Hindu temple serve as a Muslim tomb.

93. The marble that Shahjahan used for grafting Koranic lettering in the Taj is of a pale white shade while the rest of the Taj is built of a marble with rich yellow tint. This disparity is proof of the Koranic extracts being a superimposition.

94. Though imaginative attempts have been made by some historians to foist some fictitious name on history as the designer of the Taj others more imaginative have credited Shajahan himself with superb architechtural proficiency and artistic talent which could easily concieve and plan the Taj even in acute bereavment. Such people betray gross ignorance of history in as much as Shajahan was a cruel tyrant ,a great womaniser and a drug and drink addict.

95. Fanciful accounts about Shahjahan commisioning the Taj are all confused. Some asserted that Shahjahan ordered building drawing from all over the world and chose one from among them. Others assert that a man at hand was ordered to design a mausoleum amd his design was approved. Had any of those versions been true Shahjahan's court papers should have had thousands of drawings concerning the Taj. But there is not even a single drawing. This is yet another clinching proof that Shahjahan did not commision the Taj.

96. The Tajmahal is surrounded by huge mansions which indicate that several battles have been waged around the Taj several times.

97. At the south east corner of the Taj is an ancient royal cattle house. Cows attached to the Tejomahalay temple used to reared there. A cowshed is an incongruity in an Islamic tomb.

98. Over the western flank of the Taj are several stately red stone annexes. These are superflous for a mausoleum.

99. The entire Taj complex comprises of 400 to 500 rooms. Residential accomodation on such a stupendous scale is unthinkable in a mausoleum.

100. The neighbouring Tajganj township's massive protective wall also encloses the Tajmahal temple palace complex. This is a clear indication that the Tejomahalay temple palace was part and parcel of the township. A street of that township leads straight into the Tajmahal. The Tajganj gate is aligned in a perfect straight line to the octagonal red stone garden gate and the stately entrance arch of the Tajmahal. The Tajganj gate besides being central to the Taj temple complex, is also put on a pedestal. The western gate by which the visitors enter the Taj complex is a camparatively minor gateway. It has become the entry gate for most visitors today because the railway station and the bus station are on that side.

101. The Tajmahal has pleasure pavillions which a tomb would never have.

102. A tiny mirror glass in a gallery of the Red Fort in Agra reflects the Taj mahal. Shahjahan is said to have spent his last eight years of life as a prisoner in that gallery peering at the reflected Tajmahal and sighing in the name of Mumtaz. This myth is a blend of many falsehoods. Firstly,old Shajahan was held prisoner by his son Aurangzeb in the basement storey in the Fort and not in an open,fashionable upper storey. Secondly, the glass piece was fixed in the 1930's by Insha Allah Khan, a peon of the archaelogy dept.just to illustrate to the visitors how in ancient times the entire apartment used to scintillate with tiny mirror pieces reflecting the Tejomahalay temple a thousand fold. Thirdly, a old decrepit Shahjahan with pain in his joints and cataract in his eyes, would not spend his day craning his neck at an awkward angle to peer into a tiny glass piece with bedimmed eyesight when he could as well his face around and have full,direct view of the Tjamahal itself. But the general public is so gullible as to gulp all such prattle of wily, unscrupulous guides.

103. That the Tajmahal dome has hundreds of iron rings sticking out of its exterior is a feature rarely noticed. These are made to hold Hindu earthen oil lamps for temple illumination.

104. Those putting implicit faith in Shahjahan authorship of the Taj have been imagining Shahjahan-Mumtaz to be a soft hearted romantic pair like Romeo and Juliet. But contemporary accounts speak of Shahjahan as a hard hearted ruler who was constantly egged on to acts of tyranny and cruelty, by Mumtaz.

105. School and College history carry the myth that Shahjahan reign was a golden period in which there was peace and plenty and that Shahjahan commisioned many buildings and patronized literature. This is pure fabrication. Shahjahan did not commision even a single building as we have illustrated by a detailed analysis of the Tajmahal legend. Shahjahn had to enrage in 48 military campaigns during a reign of nearly 30 years which proves that his was not a era of peace and plenty.
108. The interior of the dome rising over Mumtaz's centotaph has a representation of Sun and cobras drawn in gold. Hindu warriors trace their origin to the Sun. For an Islamic mausoleum the Sun is redundant. Cobras are always associated with Lord Shiva.

109. The muslim caretakers of the tomb in the Tajmahal used to possess a document which they styled as "Tarikh-i-Tajmahal". Historian H.G. Keene has branded it as `a document of doubtful authenticity'. Keene was uncannily right since we have seen that Shahjahan not being the creator of the Tajmahal any document which credits Shahjahn with the Tajmahal, must be an outright forgery. Even that forged document is reported to have been smuggled out of Pakistan. Besides such forged documents there are whole chronicles on the Taj which are pure concoctions.
110. There is lot of sophistry and casuistry or atleast confused thinking associated with the Taj even in the minds of proffesional historians, archaelogists and architects. At the outset they assert that the Taj is entirely Muslim in design. But when it is pointed out that its lotus capped dome and the four corner pillars etc. are all entirely Hindu those worthies shift ground and argue that that was probably because the workmen were Hindu and were to introduce their own patterns. Both these arguments are wrong because Muslim accounts claim the designers to be Muslim,and the workers invariably carry out the employer's dictates.
The Taj is only a typical illustration of how all historic buildings and townships from Kashmir to Cape Comorin though of Hindu origin have been ascribed to this or that Muslim ruler or courtier.
It is hoped that people the world over who study Indian history will awaken to this new finding and revise their erstwhile beliefs.

Those interested in an indepth study of the above and many other revolutionary rebuttals may read this author's other research books.

ताजमहल का सच

मुझे नहीं पता की इसमें कितनी सच्चाई है और कितना झूठ !!!!!

बस इस जानकारी को आपके साथ बाँट रहा हूँ, कृपया इसे पढ़ें ।

प्रो.पी. एन. ओक. को छोड़ कर किसी ने कभी भी इस कथन को चुनौती नही दी कि - "ताजमहल शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था"

प्रो.ओक. अपनी पुस्तक "TAJ MAHAL - THE TRUE STORY" द्वारा इस बात में विश्वास रखते हैं कि -

"सारा विश्व इस धोखे में है कि खूबसूरत इमारत ताजमहल को मुग़ल बादशाह शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था"

ओक कहते हैं कि -

ताजमहल प्रारम्भ से ही बेगम मुमताज का मकबरा न होकर,एक हिंदू प्राचीन शिव मन्दिर है जिसे तब तेजो महालय कहा जाता था ।

अपने अनुसंधान के दौरान ओक ने खोजा कि इस शिव मन्दिर को शाहजहाँ ने जयपुर के महाराज जयसिंह से अवैध तरीके से छीन लिया था और इस पर अपना कब्ज़ा कर लिया था । शाहजहाँ के दरबारी लेखक "मुल्ला अब्दुल हमीद लाहौरी "ने अपने "बादशाहनामा" में मुग़ल शासक बादशाह का सम्पूर्ण वृतांत 1000 से ज़्यादा पृष्ठों मे लिखा है जिसके खंड एक के पृष्ठ 402 और 403 पर इस बात का उल्लेख है कि, शाहजहाँ की बेगम मुमताज-उल-ज़मानी जिसे मृत्यु के बाद, बुरहानपुर मध्य प्रदेश में अस्थाई तौर पर दफना दिया गया था और इसके ०६ माह बाद तारीख़ 15 ज़मदी-उल- अउवल दिन शुक्रवार को अकबराबाद आगरा लाया गया फ़िर उसे महाराजा जयसिंह से लिए गए आगरा में स्थित एक असाधारण रूप से सुंदर और शानदार भवन (इमारते आलीशान) मे पुनः दफनाया गया । लाहौरी के अनुसार राजा जयसिंह अपने पुरखों कि इस आली मंजिल से बेहद प्यार करते थे परन्तु बादशाह के दबाव मे वह इसे देने के लिए तैयार हो गए थे ।

- इस बात कि पुष्टि के लिए यहाँ ये बताना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है कि जयपुर के पूर्व महाराज के गुप्त संग्रह में वे दोनो आदेश अभी तक रक्खे हुए हैं जो शाहजहाँ द्वारा ताज भवन समर्पित करने के लिए राजा जयसिंह को दिए गए थे ।

- यह सभी जानते हैं कि मुस्लिम शासकों के समय प्रायः मृत दरबारियों और राजघरानों के लोगों को दफनाने के लिए छीनकर कब्जे में लिए गए मंदिरों और भवनों का प्रयोग किया जाता था उदाहरनार्थ हुमायूँ, अकबर, एतमाउददौला और सफदर जंग ऐसे ही भवनों मे दफनाये गए हैं ।

प्रो. ओक कि खोज ताजमहल के नाम से प्रारम्भ होती है

- "महल" शब्द, अफगानिस्तान से लेकर अल्जीरिया तक किसी भी मुस्लिम देश में भवनों के लिए प्रयोग नही किया जाता । यहाँ यह व्याख्या करना कि महल शब्द मुमताज महल से लिया गया है वह कम से कम दो प्रकार से तर्कहीन है -

पहला शाहजहाँ कि पत्नी का नाम मुमताज महल कभी नही था बल्कि उसका नाम मुमताज-उल-ज़मानी था । दूसरा किसी भवन का नामकरण किसी महिला के नाम के आधार पर रखने के लिए केवल अन्तिम आधे भाग (ताज) का ही प्रयोग किया जाए और प्रथम अर्ध भाग (मुम) को छोड़ दिया जाए यह समझ से परे है ।

प्रो.ओक दावा करते हैं कि ताजमहल नाम तेजो महालय (भगवान शिव का महल) का बिगड़ा हुआ संस्करण है साथ ही साथ ओक कहते हैं कि -
मुमताज और शाहजहाँ कि प्रेम कहानी चापलूस इतिहासकारों की भयंकर भूल और लापरवाह पुरातत्वविदों की सफ़ाई से स्वयं गढ़ी गई कोरी अफवाह मात्र है क्योंकि शाहजहाँ के समय का कम से कम एक शासकीय अभिलेख इस प्रेम कहानी की पुष्टि नही करता है ।

इसके अतिरिक्त बहुत से प्रमाण ओक के कथन का प्रत्यक्षतः समर्थन कर रहे हैं । तेजो महालय (ताजमहल) मुग़ल बादशाह के युग से पहले बना था और यह भगवान् शिव को समर्पित था तथा आगरा के राजपूतों द्वारा पूजा जाता था ।

- न्यूयार्क के पुरातत्वविद प्रो. मर्विन मिलर ने ताज के यमुना की तरफ़ के दरवाजे की लकड़ी की कार्बन डेटिंग के आधार पर 1985 में यह सिद्ध किया कि यह दरवाजा सन् 1359 के आसपास अर्थात् शाहजहाँ के काल से लगभग 300 वर्ष पुराना है ।

- मुमताज कि मृत्यु जिस वर्ष (1631) में हुई थी उसी वर्ष के अंग्रेज भ्रमण कर्ता पीटर मुंडी का लेख भी इसका समर्थन करता है कि ताजमहल मुग़ल बादशाह के पहले का एक अति महत्वपूर्ण भवन था ।

- यूरोपियन यात्री जॉन अल्बर्ट मैनडेल्स्लो ने सन् 1638 (मुमताज कि मृत्यु के 07 साल बाद) में आगरा भ्रमण किया और इस शहर के सम्पूर्ण जीवन वृत्तांत का वर्णन किया परन्तु उसने ताज के बनने का कोई भी सन्दर्भ नही प्रस्तुत किया जबकि भ्रांतियों मे यह कहा जाता है कि ताज का निर्माण कार्य1631 से 1651 तक जोर शोर से चल रहा था ।

- फ्रांसीसी यात्री फविक्स बर्निअर एम.डी. जो औरंगजेब द्वारा गद्दीनशीन होने के समय भारत आया था और लगभग दस साल यहाँ रहा के लिखित विवरण से पता चलता है कि औरंगजेब के शासन के समय यह झूठ फैलाया जाना शुरू किया गया कि ताजमहल शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था ।

प्रो. ओक. बहुत सी आकृतियों और शिल्प सम्बन्धी असंगताओं को इंगित करते हैं जो इस विश्वास का समर्थन करते हैं कि,ताजमहल विशाल मकबरा न होकर विशेषतः हिंदू शिव मन्दिर है ।

आज भी ताजमहल के बहुत से कमरे शाहजहाँ के काल से बंद पड़े हैं जो आम जनता की पहुँच से परे हैं

प्रो. ओक., जोर देकर कहते हैं कि हिंदू मंदिरों में ही पूजा एवं धार्मिक संस्कारों के लिए भगवान् शिव की मूर्ति,त्रिशूल,कलश और ॐ आदि वस्तुएं प्रयोग की जाती हैं ।

- ताज महल के सम्बन्ध में यह आम किवदंत्ती प्रचलित है कि ताजमहल के अन्दर मुमताज की कब्र पर सदैव बूँद बूँद कर पानी टपकता रहता है यदि यह सत्य है तो पूरे विश्व मे किसी किभी कब्र पर बूँद बूँद कर पानी नही टपकाया जाता जबकि प्रत्येक हिंदू शिव मन्दिर में ही शिवलिंग पर बूँद बूँद कर पानी टपकाने की व्यवस्था की जाती है फ़िर ताजमहल (मकबरे) में बूँद बूँद कर पानी टपकाने का क्या मतलब....????

राजनीतिक भर्त्सना के डर से इंदिरा सरकार ने ओक की सभी पुस्तकें स्टोर्स से वापस ले लीं थीं और इन पुस्तकों के प्रथम संस्करण को छापने वाले संपादकों को भयंकर परिणाम भुगत लेने की धमकियां भी दी गईं थीं।

प्रो. पी. एन. ओक के अनुसंधान को ग़लत या सिद्ध करने का केवल एक ही रास्ता है कि वर्तमान केन्द्र सरकार बंद कमरों को संयुक्त राष्ट्र के पर्यवेक्षण में खुलवाए और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विशेषज्ञों को छानबीन करने दे ।

सोमवार, जनवरी 16, 2012

True Love is Really Hard to Find........

I often say to myself that i am going to start looking for love again or will i get a "True Love" again ? But every time same thing happens when i search it without giving it a chance to find me. "True Love" is indeed very hard to find in life, but what i feel is that is because it is not meant to be found. I think i don't have the power to control it when this powerful force of true love came into my life. I feel love is not that kind of emotion. It's wild, exciting, uncontrollable, irresistible, unmanageable, dense, free, frantic, freaking awesome, indocile, indomitable, insuppressible, intractable, irrepressible, lawless, like a loose cannon, mad, obstinate, recalcitrant, strong, savage, uncontainable, undisciplinable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, unrestrainable, unruly, violent........ But it wants to find me! That's what make it unique and in form and oh so challenging.

Most of the times when i look for something i never find it. But, when i am NOT looking for it...it seems to be staring at me right there in my face. That is how the cycle of my life works for some odd reasons. Mostly people find love when they are not looking for it or not trying to get it. In most of the movies and love stories, people talk about how they were going about routines in life or business when all of a sudden they happened to meet something whom they ended up being 'the one'. The never went out looking or searching, it just happened by change. I don't feel the same way because it never happened with me.

Again, this True Love can be a powerful force. I strongly feel that it has a mind of its own. Something I believe to be very potent. It really has the power to bring people together in most unlikely situations, but can also tear them apart if jealousy or obsession creeps in. It could bring out the worst and the best in us all, or cause us to do crazy things we didn't image ourselves doing. I seriously don't wanna scare anyone buy I'm sure some of us may have a story or two that we could always sit around and share.

True love had found me once. I met this girl years back, she was so sweet. She would do anything and everything to make me happy, but i was not ready for her. She wanted to build a life long relationship. This girl was so loving and caring and was everything a man could dream of! She seemed to have so much patience with me and how stubborn I was at times that it completely blew me away. I was honestly so stupid at that time. I thought to myself now "How could she put up with me, and manage to stick by my side?" "No matter what i say of do, she never gets mad or argue one bit." Then one day she told me that she really love me a lot. She wanted to marry me, and assumed I felt the same way. During that time something very tragic happened with me and i lost all my confidence and was out of my mind. So i think it was too early for me to accept all this. I was not really ready for all this. All i could say was that i really, really cared for her, but i was not able to commit. Yes, i truly loved her but not "in love." And one day i quit. The worst ever thing i could do to myself was this. I could tell that she was hurt from the tears in her eyes. All i could say was this girl is in love for real. I still feel bad, feel like a criminal, cursed for breaking her heart, but i still don't know was it was the right thing to do or was it not ? because if i had lied saying i felt the same, it would only be pretending which was not fair to her or her heart. But maybe if i would have shared everything with her at that moment and have discussed with her what i was going through might be today my days would have been something else as they are off now. I still sit sometimes all alone and feel and think "Kaash woh mere sath hoti". But no she is gone.  She must have been with me in my life. So, because of my one fault and stupidity i lost my "True Love" and never found it again in my life. Compromising at every step is now a part of my life.

Overall, what i feel is that true love can come when you least expect it. You don't have to go looking for it because it will find you at the right time and at the right place. That is God's plan. Sometimes, it's better to let it find you because if you try to hard, you may find yourself in a fucked up situation. When you become anxious and impatient you end up selling yourself short. Everyone has there own time for love. Don't compare yourself to your friends or your buddies. Take your time and do thing right is what i feel. Go about your life and live it the best way you can. You'll attrach love when you simply do what you need to do and stay focused. But when it does find you, and it will, Smile Brightly inside saying to yourself....."What took you so long, I've been expecting you!".......Much love and remember to keep your faith in your True Love and always "Keep it trustful, erotic, playful, lustful, sexful and SEXIIIIIIII!!!!!"

बुधवार, जुलाई 06, 2011

कोई था

कोई था कभी जो कहता था के अगर याद आये तो आधी रात को भी बेजिझक याद कर लेना | आज याद आई तो वोह भी आँख चुरा कर निकल लिया | कन्नी काट ली उसने भी | हो सकता है उसकी भी कोई मजबूरी रही होगी जो अब उसे भी याद नहीं आती | शिकवा और शिकायत मुझे किसी से नहीं है, शायद इतने बुरे दिन हैं अपने के कोई अब याद करना भी नहीं चाहता | ज़िन्दगी भी न जाने क्या क्या खेल दिखाती है | कभी आकाश का कभी पाताल का नज़ारा करवाती है | कभी ऐसा वक़्त था जब चारो तरफ चहल पहल हुआ करती थी | रोनाकें हुआ करती थी | आज वीरान खालीपन है चारों तरफ | चार दीवारों के बीच ज़िन्दगी बेजान है | ऐसा लगता है जैसे मैं भी मेज़ और कुर्सी की तरह बेजान, कमरे में हूँ और उन चार दीवारी से बातें कर रहा हूँ | अकेलापन और मायूसी से ऐसा नाता जुड़ गया है | चरों ओर का सन्नाटा काट खाने को दौड़ता है | शायद बुरा वक़्त इस को कहते हैं जब कोई साथ नहीं होता | सुना था के बुरे वक़्त में साया भी साथ छोर जाता है पर मुझे इतना तो इत्मिनान है के बस एक मेरा साया ही है आज जो मेरे साथ है | यह वक़्त भी गुज़र जायेगा और मुझे उम्मीद है के एक नई किरण लेकर कभी तो आएगा | इसी उम्मीद के साथ जी रहा हूँ | उस नई सूरज की किरण का इंतज़ार है शायद कभी तो ऐसी सुबह आएगी जो अपने साथ खुशियाँ और प्यार की बरसात से मेरे आंगन को भिगो जाएगी | बस एक इसी उम्मीद के साथ ज़िन्दगी जिए जा रहा हूँ और इस अकेलेपन के अज़ाब को पिए जा रहा हूँ | अगर कहीं खुदा है तो वोह इस इल्तेजा को ज़रूर सुनेगा और मुझपर अपने स्नेह की बरसात ज़रूर करेगा | काश कभी तो वोह पुराने दिन लौट कर आयेंगे | हाँ ज़रूर आयेंगे | मेरा दिल कहता है मेरे से के तू अपने पर भरोसा रख और ज़िन्दगी को जिए जा जिए जा जिए जा |

शनिवार, जून 04, 2011

कृपया सोचें

भ्रष्टाचार यह एक ऐसा शब्द है जिससे चाहे अनचाहे देश का हर एक व्यक्ति जुड़ा हुआ है | हर एक इंसान ने कभी न कभी जाने अंजाने इससे बढ़ने में सहयोग ही दिया है | कोई भी व्यक्ति किसी भी भ्रष्टाचारी नेता, सरकारी मुलाजिम या फिर हर वो जरिया जिससे उसका कार्य सिद्ध होता हो वह कोई भी विलम्ब किये बिना अपना पूर्ण सहयोग दे देता है | उसे इस बात से कोई सरोकार नहीं है के उसके इस आचरण से देश के भविष्य पर या देश में बढती भ्रष्टाचार की बीमारी में उन्नति होगी या हमारा देश इस दलदल में कितना और धंस जायेगा | अन्ना हजारे और बाबा राम देव जी जैसे सरीखे व्यकतित्व जब ऐसे विषयों को अपने आन्दोलनों में उठाते हैं तो वही लोग बोखला जाते हैं और उट पटांग टिप्पणियां करना शुरू कर देते हैं | उन्हें इस बात से कोई सरोकार नहीं होता के इससे देश को क्या फायदा होगा उन्हें तो सिर्फ अपने फायदे से मतलब होता है | शाहरुख़ खान, सलमान खान इत्यादि लोग भी इसी श्रेणी में आते हैं जो सिर्फ अपने फायदे के बारे में सोचते हैं | कहने को तो ऐसे लोग समाज सेवा में बढ़ चढ़ कर हिस्सा लेते हैं जिसके पीछे कारण होता है इन लोगों का निजी स्वार्थ पर जब मुद्दा होता है ऐसा जिसमें बाबाजी जैसे लोग भाग लेते हैं तब इन जैसे लोगों का असली चेहरा सामने आता है | ऐसे मौकों पर यह लोग कन्नी काट लेते हैं क्यों की इन्हें लगता है के इन्हें अपने व्यापार पर कोई असर न पड़े क्योंकि वोह भी तो पुर्णतः भ्रष्टाचार से भरा हुआ है | अपने काम निकलवाने के लिए यह लोग कितनो को रिश्वत देते हैं और भी न जाने क्या क्या प्रलोभन दे कर यह अपने टेड़े काम सिद्ध करवाते हैं | इन जैसे लोगों को सिर्फ अपनी और अपने परिवार के भविष्य की चिंता होती है न की देश की नौजवान पीढ़ी की | अपनी जेब भरने से फुर्सत मिले तो यह लोग ऐसे क्रन्तिकारी आन्दोलनों में सहयोग दें | मैं अपने तन मन और धन से पुर्णतः बाबाजी के आन्दोलन में उनके साथ हूँ और अपने मित्र नवीन द्वारा लिखी गईं इन पंक्तियों का पुरजोर समर्थन करता हूँ. | मेरी आजके और आने वाली नई नौजवान पीढ़ी से गुज़ारिश करता हूँ के वो इस आन्दोलन में बाबाजी का सहयोग कर इस आन्दोलन को सफल बनाने में अपना योगदान दें | जय भारत | वन्दे मातरम | भ्रष्टाचार मुर्दाबाद | भ्रष्टाचारी सहयोगी मुर्दाबाद |

सोमवार, मई 23, 2011

Old Classic Television Serials

I am doing some research on old time classic serials from dordarshan and other channels of 80's & 90's period. If anyone else remember any more then please add to this list. If you do have more details regarding these serials post them here pls will update in the list.

Alice In Wonderland -
[ children - title track lyrics: gulzar ]

Aamne Samne -
[ celebrity chat show ]

Aadha Sach Aadha Jhooth -
[ drama - producer: rajesh khanna -  music: pancham ]

Aakhri Dao -
[ drama - cast: deepti naval, farooq sheikh ]

Adalat -
[ crime - a serial on court cases ]

Aa Bail Mujhe Maar -
[ comedy - cast: anu kapoor, amol palekar, harish patel, ajit vachhani ]

Ados Pados -
[ comedy - cast: vinnie paranjape, amol palekar - producer & director - sai paranjape ]

Air Hostess -
[ drama - kittu gidwani - director: vinod pande ]

Aisa Bhi Hota Hai -
[ reality - anchor: monika laal ]

Apradhi Kaun -
[ detective ]

A Face In The Crowd -
[ talk show ]

Ajooba -
[ comedy - host: shammi kapoor ]

Alif Laila - [ ]

Ali Baba Chalis Chor - [ ]

Bible Ki Kahaniyan -
[ children - serial based on christian scriptures of the bible in hindi - cast: kabir bedi, shammi kapoor, raza murad, urmila matondkar, arvind mehra, asha sharma, daman maan, soham, varun vardhan, rajesh kapoor, mohan gokhale, mita vashisht, rita bhaduri, kawaljeet, janak toprani, satish kapoor, leela panicker, radha seth, raja bundela, kamal jithu, lalit tiwari (narrator) - director: prof. george menachery - music: louis banks, vanraj bhatia - lyrics: kafi azmi - 1993-1995 ]

Basanti -
[drama - based on the life of a slum girl ]

Basera -
[ comedy - cast: mehmood, channa ruparel - plot: story about tenants ]

Baigan Raja -
[ children ]

Buniyaad -
[ drama - cast: alok nath - director: ramesh sippy ]

Bharat Ek Khoj - [ historical - cast: om puri - director: shyam benegal ]

Bahadur Shah Zafar - [drama/history - cast: ashok kumar, juhi chawla, raj babbar - producer & director - b.r. chopra & ravi chopra]

Banate Bigadte - [ ]

Bibi Natiyonwali - [ ]

Barrister Vinod - [ detective ]

Byomkesh Bakshi - [ detective - cast: rajat kapoor ]

Babaji Ka Bioscope -
[ children - series of short stories used to come on sunday mornings ]

Barbapa - [ cartoon ]

Bante Bigadte -
[ comedy - cast: paresh rawal, reeta bhaduri, rakesh chaudhary, ajit vachchani ]

Captain Vyom -
[ youth / children / si-fi - cast: milind soman, netra raghuraman, divya palat, tom alter - 1990's ]

Chanakya - [ historical - cast: pramod moutho, suraj chaddha, ragini shah, ajay dubey, arun bali, himanshu gokani, mitesh safari, dr. chandra prakash dwivedi, dinesh shakul - producer & director: dr. dwivedi - 1991 ]

Chamatkari Telephone -
[ children / animation - chamatkari telephone ( literal meaning: "magical telephone") was an Indian animated television series that aired on dordarshan national channel in early 90s. - title track: sally, meg & jonathan, muskano ka baatein dhan..pyar bhara unka telephone...chamatkari telephone...']

Chunauti -
[ youth - cast: suchitra krishnamurthy, rajiv verma, ajit vachhani, mohan bhandari, bharat kapoor, arif zakaria, sunil puri, channa ruparel, raju shreshta, rita bahaduri, archana joglekar, ali asgar - music: sapan jagmohan - director: sanjiv bhattacharya - producer: rakesh chowdhary - title track: man ek seepi hai, asha moti hai har pal jeevan ka ek chunauti hai - singer: amit kumar - 1980's]

Campus -
[ youth - chunauti part 2 - cast: ninad kamath, paritosh painter ]

Chaya Geet -
[ musical - filmi songs program ]

Chitrahaar -
[ musical - old new filmi songs on wednesday and frinday ]

Charitraheen -
[ drama - based on bengali novel ]

Chunni - [ ]

Circus -
[ drama - cast: shahrukh khan, renuka shahane, pawan malhotra ]

Choti Badi Baatein -
[ comedy - cast: ashok saraf, sulabha arya, arvind deshpande, babloo mukherjee]

Chitz -
[ suspense - cast: mazar khan, kiron kher, liliput, sayed jaffery, kanwaljeet, ratna pathak, sushmita mukherjee - title track: mumkin hai safar ho aasan - singer: suresh wadkar ]

Chauraha -
[ children - educational ]

Craft Show -
[ children - afternoon show where they teach to make craft items. i still remember the use of words like "chipkanewala padarth". ]

Charlie Chaplin -
[ children - english comedy serial ]

Chandrakanta -
[ drama - cast: ]

Daane Anar Ke -
[ comedy - the show focuses on a middle-class family that has just won a lottery, and chronicles how the behavior of their neighbors and relatives changes in response to their new-found wealth. the show also interviews the family to evaluate their reactions to these changes and finally how do they cope with the changes. - cast: shailendra yadav, neena gupta, ajit vachhani - music: vishal - lyrics: gulzar - title track: kissa hai kahani hai paheli hai, zindagi ye moosa ki saheli hai - writer: sharad joshi - lyrics - gulzar - music - vishal - 1980's]

Deewar -
[ drama - the show is based on the story of a guy named purshottam, who is in jail. he has been in prison for the last ten years. it is said that although his term is a lifer and that means a minimum of fourteen years, there is a possibility of him being released within the next six months. purshottam is in prison due to his conviction for the crime of murder - cast: kulbhushan kharbanda, amita nangia, smita jaykar, anju mahendru, mukesh khanna, avtaar gill, alok nath, sulbha arya, mamik , anita kulkarni sushil parashar, asawari joshi, vaquar sheikh, resham seth, sanjay batra, anita kulkarni, rakesh bedi - director: raman kumar - music: jagjit singh - 1990's ]

Dhamal -
[ comedy - cast: satish shah - after ye jo hai zindagi this was starred by satish shah on sunday mornings ]

Dil Dariya -
[ drama - cast: shahrukh khan - plot: story about pre and post partition ]

Doosra Kewal -
[ drama - cast: shahrukh khan ]

Dada Dadi Ki Kahaniyan -
[ children - used to come on sunday evenings. short stories for kids. - cast: leela mausi aka leela mishra ]

Didi's Comedy Show -
[ children - english comedy show ]

Danger Bay - [ ]

Dekh Bhai Dekh - [ comedy - cast: shekhar suman, naveen nishchol, fareeda jalaal, bhavna, deven bhojani, liliput - director: anand mahendroo - producer: sarasvati audio & video (jaya bachchan) - title track: ss rang badalti dunia me kya tera hai kya mera hai...dekh bhai dekh...]

Different Strokes -
[ comedy - english comedy serial used to come on sunday ]

Dastan-E-Hatim Tai - [ ]

Duck Tales -
[ children - animation serial on sunday mornings ]

Dadi Ma Jaagi - [ ]

Ehsaas ( kahani ek ghar ki ) -
[ drama - the family saga is the story of protagonist parvati and her two sisters whose father has died in a mysterious accident after being cheated by his business partner. the three sisters are now on a mission to destroy the man they think is responsible for their father’s death. amidst the drama of hate and vendetta, there is a love triangle when parvati and one of her sisters discover they love the same man. -  cast: arun govil, bhairavi raichura, tarana singh, sameer iqbal patel, kiran kumar, avtaar gill, mohan bhandari, navneet nishan, amita nangia - director: raman kumar - title track: jagjit singh & chitra singh ]

Ek Kahani -
[ literature / stories - anchor & director: manju singh - debute serial of pallavi joshi ]

Ek Do Teen Char -
[ children - title track: ek do teen char...chaaro mil ke saath chale to karde chamatkar ]

Ek Kahani -
[ sotries - director: gulzar ]

Ek Tara Bole -
[ children ]

Ek Dil Hazaar Afsaane -
[ drama - serial about short stories ]

Ek Chidiya Anek Chidiya -
[ children - animated cartoon]

Ek Aana Ka Daana -
[ children - animated cartoon of krishna and pandavas]

Faster Feren -
[ children ]

Fauji -
[ youth - it was a series following the training of an indian army commando regiment that aired on India's national channel DD National in 1988. - cast: shahrukh khan, sanjay taneja, rakesh sharma, amina s.kapoor, manjula avtar, vikram chopra, gautam bharadwaj, a. kannan, sonal dabral, nikhil dewan - producer & director: colonel kapoor ]

Flop Show -
[ comedy - cast: jaspal bhatti, vivek shauq, savita bhatti, rajesh jolly, b.n. sharma, kuldeep sharma - creator, writer, producer & director: jaspal bhatti - 1989 ]

Farmaan -
[ drama - cast: kanwaljit singh, raja bundela ]

Fatichar -
[ comedy - cast: pankaj kapur ]

Fikr Ne Kaha Tha -
[ comedy - cast: tiku talsania - another morning show with tiku talsaniya ]

Giant Robot -
[children - japanese dubbed cartoon]

Gul Gulshan Gulfam -
[ drama - cast: pareekshit sahani, pankaj berry - producer: cinevista ]

Guchchhe -
[ children ]

Gijoe -
[ children - animation ]

Gayab Aaya -
[ children - animation serial ]

Honee Anhonee -
[ supernatural powers / past life]

Hum Panchi Ek Daal Ke -
[ comedy / social ]

History Of Man -
[ children - cartoon]

Hum Log -
[ drama - hum log is the story of an Indian middle class family and their daily struggles and aspirations - cast: ashok kumar, vinod nagpal, jayshri arora, rajesh puri, abhinav chaturvedi, seema bhargava, divya seth, loveleen mishra, lahiri singh, sushma seth, kamia malhotra, aasif sheikh, manoj pahwa - writer - manohar shyam joshi - producer: doordarshan - director: p kumar vasudev - title track: aaiye haath uthaayein hum bhi.. hum bhi - music: anil biswas - 1984 ]

History Of Man -
[children / cartoon ]

He Man & Masters of Universe -
[ children / cartoon ]

Himalaya Darshan -
[ drama / stories - serial based on short stories from places close to himalay like himachal pradesh etc. ]

Hello Zindagi -
[ current affairs - anchor: nalini singh - title music & singer: jagjeet singh - title track: hai lau zindagi, zindagi noor hai
magar isme jalne ka dastoor hai ]

Indradhanush -
[ children / si-fi - a mixture of sci-fiction and fantasy & an excellent copy of back to the future movie - plot: the story of group of kids, who assemble a computer. on that computer they meet a prince from another galaxy. then the events take a lot of weird turns, one of the kids (the lead character) gets kidnapped by someone from another galaxy. the prince gives the kids a device that makes time-travel possible. with this device they try to see their past and rescue their friend. - cast: karan johar (as Apu), akshay anand, shinde rajendra, jitendra rajpal - producer & director: anand mahendra - 1988-1989 ]

Intezaar -
[ drama - the message of this serial was a mother waiting for her seperated son.This serial was exclusively shot on railway platform. - cast: rajendra gupta, sangeeta naik, pawan malhotra ]

Idhar Udhar -
[ comedy - cast: deena pathak, supriya, ratna shah, ravi vasvaani - director: anand mahendroo ]

Isi Bahane -
[ drama/comedy - cast: mazhar khan, supriya pathak, ratna pathak, sushmita mukherjee, liliput, anand mahendroo - director: anand mahendroo ]

Itsi Baat - [ ]

Inspector Vijay -
[ detective ]

India's Struggle For Freedom -
[ informative - struggle about indian independence ]

Jantar Mantar -
[ drama - cast: vikram gokhale]

Jungle Book - [ children - ]

Junoon -
[ drama/crime - cast: kittu gidwani, tom alter - producer: adhikari brothers ]

Jamai Raja -
[ comedy - cast: r madhavan, tiku talsania - director:  anant mahadevan ]

Jai Veer Hanuman - [ ]

Jamie And The Magic Torch -
[ children - animation ]

Kahan Gaye Woh Log -
[ drama / patriotic - a serial full of patriotism is said to have started the 'golden era' of patriotic tv serials. the serial received overwhelming response since the beginning. this serial was awarded 'aadhaarshila (foundation) award' for best patriotic serial which was given by of then vice president of india mr. shankar dayal sharma. manoj kumar also played a major role in the success of this serial. - cast: dheeraj kumar, sachin kumar, rajendra gupta - director: dheeraj kumar - producer: creative eye limited - 1980s]

Kahkashan -
[ drama - Kahkashan is an Indian television series about six great masters of modern Urdu poetry: Hasrat Mohani, Jigar Moradabadi, Josh Malihabadi, Majaz Lucknawi, Firaq Gorakhpuri, and Makhdoom Mohiuddin. - producer, research & script -  ali sardar jafri - director - jalal agha 1991- music & title - jagjit singh - 1991-1992 ]

Kashish -
[drama - cast: mallvika tiwari, sudesh beri ]

Kashmakash -
[ drama - cast: suchitra krishnamurthy, javed jaffery, ali khan ]

Kaachi Dhoop -
[ drama - which was based on the classic little women ]

Khel Khel Mein - [ ]

Khazana -
[ children - series based on best seller short stories ]

Khilti Kaliyan -
[ dd program about adult education ]

Karamchand -
[ detective - cast: pankaj kapoor, sushmita mukherji, deepak qazir - director: pankaj parashar - music: either kersy lord/lesley lewis ]

Kakkaji Kahin -
[ comedy/satire - cast: om puri, shail chatuervedi, basu chatterjee ]

Kab Tak Pukaroon -
[ literature -  plot: based on a novel written by Dr. Rangeya raghav - cast: pankaj kapoor, pallavi joshi, sushmita mukherji - director: sudheer mishra ]

Katha Sagar -
[ literature - producer: cinevista ]

Khandaan -
[ drama - this serial started the trend of mega family serials - cast: jayant kripalani, neena gupta, mohan bhandari - director: sreedhar kshirsagr ]

Khoja Naseruddin -
[ literature - cast: raghuvir yadav - director: aman allana ] 

Kabeer -
[ literature - cast: anu kapoor, anil chaudhary ]

Khali Haath -
[ drama - cast: madan jain ]

Kirdaar -
[ drama - cast: om puri - director: gulzar ]

Kshitij Yeh Nahi - [ ]

Kab Tak Pukaroon -
[ literature - cast: pankaj kapoor - director: sudheer mishra]

Kachhi Dhoop -
[ drams - cast: bhagyashree ]

Katha Sagar - [ short stories ]

Karandikar Uncle -
[ cookery show - it used to be aired in afternoon show. an old man "karandikar uncle" used to go hunting for recipes to different houses in a colony. ]

Kharee Kharee -
[ comedy - cast: anu kapoor as a servant ]

Kadwa Sach -
[ social issues show ]

Krishi Darshan -
[ agriculture based show ]

Kirdaar -
[ cast: om puri - director: gulzar ]

Lifeline / Jeevan rekha -
[ drama - cast: a.k.hangal ]

Laurel & Hardy -
[ children - english comedy serial]

Lohit Kinare -
[ drama - had title score from famous assamese singer bhupen hazarika ]

Lena Dena -
[ drama - used to come on sundays ]

Laddoo Singh Taxi Wala - [ ]

Mahabharat -
[ drama / epic mythology - cast: gajendra chouhan, arjun, praveen kumar, sameer, sanjeev, nitish bharadwaj, razak khan, paintal, arun bakshi, mayur, puneet issar, vinod kapoor, pankaj dheer, pradeep rawat, dharmesh tiwari, mukesh khanna, surendra pal, kapil kumar, nazneen, virendra razdan, lalit tiwari, girja shankar, renuka israni, roopa ganguly, channa ruparel, kiran juneja, rishabh shukla, sumeet raghavan, dara singh, debashree roy, vishnu sharma, goga kapoor, ram mohan, rafique mukkadam, raj babbar, ashalata, shivendra mahal, rana jung bahadur, sharat saxena, sudesh berry - narrator: harish bhimani - creators: baldev raj chopra (b.r. films) ]

Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne -
[ comedy - this serial was loosely conceptualized on james thurber's novel the secret life of walter mitty - plot: mungerilal is a small time clerk who gets bossed around by his wife at home and by his boss at office. to top that, mungerilal's father in law rubs salt on mungerilal wounds by exaggerating his own achievements as a police inspector. mungerilal overcomes all this by day dreaming, where he takes revenge on his boss, his father-in-law. mungerilal also dates his beautiful colleague. as he basks in the glory of his accomplishments, his wife wakes him up to ruin dream. - cast: raghubir yadav - director: prakash jha - writer: manohar shyam joshi - 1989-1990 ]

Mr. Yogi -
[ comedy/satire - cast: mohan gokhle ( yogesh ishwarlal patel aka y.i. patel ) - anchor: om puri - (satire on weddings) ]

Mirza Ghalib ( my fav.) -
[ drama - based on the life of legendary poet/shayar mirza assadullah khan ghalib - cast: naseeruddin shah - music & singers: jagjit singh & chitra singh - producer & director: gulzar - 1988 ]

Malgudi Days -
[ children / stories - based on the works of r.k. narayan - cast: anant nag, dada, girish karnad, vishnuvardhan, shankar nag, ramesh bhat, master manjunath aka swami - producer: t. s. narasimhan - director: shankar nag - music: l. vaidyanathan - cartoon sketches: r.k.laxman ]

Mujrim Hazir Ho - 
[ drama -  ]

Mamaji -
[ comedy - cast: deven varma - plot: story about tenants ]

Mrgnayni -
[ drama - based on a novel written by Mr. Vrindavanlal Varma - cast: pallavi joshi, mohan bhandari ]

Mitti Ke Rang -
[ drama - based on short stories written by mr. mohan rakesh ]

Manoranjan -
[ serial about shooting and productions ]

Marshal -
[ detective - cast: mukesh khanna ]

Mile Sur Mera Tumhara - [ musical ]

My Little Pony -
[ children - cartoon on sundays ]

Mister Mrs. -
[ comedy - cast: archana puran singh ]

Meri Awaz Suno - [ ]

Nirmala -
[ drama - written by legandary munshi premchand (original name dhanpat rai) - cast: preeti khare ]

Nukkad -
[ drama - cast: suresh chatwal, dilip dhawan, avtar gill, sameer khakhar, haidar ali, javed khan, pavan malhotra, sangeeta naik, rama vij, ajay wadhavkar, tambi, suresh bhagwat, kundu mochi - writer: prabodh joshi - director: saeed akhtar mirza & kundan shah - 1986-1988 ]

Noopur - [ ]

Neem Ka Ped -
[ drama - series of short stories ]

Neev -
[ youth - serial about these kids living in a hostel ]

Nai Dishayen - [ ]

Neki Kar Kuan Mein Daal - [ ]

Oshin - [ ]

Om Namah Shivay -
[ drama / epic mythology - the series is presumably named after the mantra aum namah shivaya. it "depicts the spirituality, divinity and the moving power with which lord shiva governs the destiny of the universe." - cast: samar jai singh, yashodhan rana, gayatri shastri, manjeet kullar, amit pachori, sandeep mehta, sunil nagar, sanjay swaraj sharma, gajendra chauhan, rajeshwari sachdev, nimai bali - music: shaarang dev - director: dheeraj kumar - producer: zuby kochhar - production company: creative eye - 1997 ]

Phir Wahi Taalash - [ drama/romance - story about a village boy who comes to city for pursuing some professional degree and falls in love with the daughter of flat owner. - cast: dr. ashwini kumar, poonam malhotra, neelima azim (shahid kapoor's mother), s.m. zaheer, rajesh khattar - director: lekh tandon - title singer: chandan dass - music: anil biswas]

Pachpan Khambe Lal Deewarein -
[ drama - cast: meeta vashisht, aman verma ]

Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan - [ ]

Parivartan -
[ drama - cast: bina (pradeep kumar's daughter) as the matriach of a rich family ]

Potli Baba Ki -
[ children - series of short stories on sunday morning ]

Palash Ke Phool -
[ drama - title track: jab jab mere ghar aana tum phool palash ke le aana tum ]

Pc1008 - [ ]

Paramvir Chakra - [ ]

Pirot - [ children ]

Police Files Se -
[ detective ]

Paying Guest -
[ comedy - used to come on sunday afternoon ]

Phulvanti - [ ]

Quile Ka Rahasiya -
[ mystery - director: seema kapoor ]

Quiz Time -
[ children/quiz - anchor: siddartha basu ( tan ki shakti man ki shakti bournvita) ]

Ramayan -
[ drama / epic mythology - cast: deepika chiklia, arun govil, sunil lahiri, dara singh - creators: sagar arts limited - producer & director: ramanand sagar - 1988]

Rangoli -
[ musical - old new songs on sunday morning ]

Rajini -
[ comedy/women rights - cast: priya tendulkar ]

Raja Aur Rancho - [ detective ]

Rath Chakra - [ ]

Rani Lakshmi Bai - [ ]

Shanti -
[ drama - the story begins with two friends of the biggest bollywood production house in the country. two friends - kamesh mahadevan and raj g.j. singh writer, directors and producers live in the lavish shanti mansion. behind the walls of shanti mansion lie dark secrets of the past lives of both the friends. - cast: mandira bedi, amit behl, anoop soni, yatin karyekar, jyotsna karyekar, ravi aidasani, sumukhi pendsey, irawati harshe, amar talwar, anita kanwal, amit kapadia, sonali kulkarni, salim fatehi, ashwini kalsekar, sunil shende, rajesh jais, naina apte, prithvi jutshi, spriya karnik - director: adi pocha - production company: utv software communications - 1994 ]

Shriman Shrimati -
[ comedy - cast: jatin kanakia, reema lagoo, rakesh bedi, archana puran singh - director: rajan waghdhare - producer: gautam adhikari & markand adhikari - 1989 ]

Singhasaan Battisi -
[ children - use to be aired in sunday evenings on doordarshan. folk tales of a singhasan with 32 idols. every idol tells a story to the raja. - 1980s ]

Stone Boy -
[ drama - shot in mauritius, the story was based on a fantasy story of a poor farmer/milkman boy who gets cursed by fairies. - cast: master manjunath, neha contractor, ankur javeri, parikshit ambatkar, rajesh chand, dinesh chand - director: t.s. nagabharana - 1991 ]

Superhit Muqabla -
[ music - the top 10 songs were decided every week by the polls sent in by the viewers. - presenters: baba sehgal, ekta kapoor ]

Suraag - The Clue -
[ detective - cast: sudesh berry - creators: shri adhikari brothers - producer: gautam adhikari ]

Swabhimaan -
[ drama - swaabhimaan divulges the story of an attractive woman - svetlana who finds herself in a battle where there are no real winners. insecurity, suspicion and fear threaten to erode her vivacious spirit as she struggles to come to terms with her position - that of a pampered mistress whose tycoon patron keshav malhotra played by naasir abdulah dies leaving her to cope with the ugly aftermath of the tragedy - inheritance wars, succession rights, property entanglements, petty quarrels and above all, emotional turmoil that threatens to destroy her. - cast: kitu gidwani, abhimanyu raj singh, nasir abdullah, anju mahendru, deepak parashar, kunika, rohit roy, channa ruparel, sheetal thakkar, manoj bajpai, rinku karmarkar, karan oberoi, achint kaur, anupam bhattacharya, ashutosh rana, sandhya mridul, arun bali, harsh chhaya, simone singh, mita vashisht, sagarika soni, rajesh khera, pankaj berry, poonam das gupta, kumud mishra, rajiv paul, kiran juneja, prabha sinha - producer: amit khanna - writers: shoba de & vinod rangnath - director: mahesh bhatt - 1995-1997 ]

Sanjha Chulha -
[drama - cast: rama vij, pankaj berry ]

Shrikant -
[ drama - cast: farooq sheikh - plot: based on a bengali novel ]

Space City Sigma -
[ children / si-fi ]

Sukanya -
[ drama - cast: natasha Sinha, harish bhimani ]

Swavlamban -
[ program about wow to be self independent in life ]

Spiderman -
[ children - animation cartoon ]

Subah -
[ social issues - cast: salim gouse, prem - music: r.d.burman ]

Surabhi -
[ cultural magazine - anchors: renuka shahne, siddhart kak ]

Sunil Gavaskar Presents -
[ sunil gavaskar presents a program on cricket ]

Shri Krishna - [ ]

Sauda - [ ]

Star Trek -
[ children - english serial dubbed in hindi ]

Swimmi -
[ children - animated dubbed cartoon of small fishes scaring a big fish ]

Street Hawk -
[ detective - english serial dubbed in hindi by the dd metro ]

Sherlock Holmes - [ children ]

Saanp Seedhi -
[ game show - anchor: mohan kapoor - when zeetv was launched mohan kapur in snakes and ladder weired quiz game show. those who give wrong answers would end up in a pool of water ]

Show Theme - [ ]

Sangeet Ka Safar - [ ]

Sangharsh - [ ]

Sansar - [ ]

Sea Hawks - [ ]

Turning Point -
[ children/science/educational - anchors: girish karnad, naseerudin shah ]

The Disney Show -
[ children / cartoon ]

The World This Week -
[ news - anchor: prannoy roy ]

The Sword of Tipu Sultan -
[ drama/history - based on a novel by bhagwan gidwani, this serial was a portrayal of the life and times of tipu sultan, the erstwhile ruler of srirangapatna - cast: sanjay khan, maya alag, deepika chikhalia, anant mahadevan, mukesh rishi, shahbaz khan - producer: numero uno international - director: sanjay khan & akbar khan - 1989-1990 ]

Tehkikaat -
[ detective - thriller series about various crime scene investigations - cast: vijay anand (dev anand brother), saurabh shukla - producer: karan razdan - 1994-1995 ]

Trishna -
[ drama - adaptation of jane austen's pride and prejudice ]

Telematch -
[ used as a filler I think this was probably in 80's ]

Tamas -
[ drama - based on a novel written by bhishm sahani (brother of actor Balraj Sahani) - cast: om puri, deepa sahi ]

Tenalirama -
[ children - a very well made serial about the witty genius - title track: balle balle balle tenali rama ]

Thoda Sa Aasmaan - [ ]

Tasveer Ka Doosra Rukh -
[ comedy - cast: seema barman - it was story about two characterts who go place to place to get the reviews and feedabcks for televison serials. it was a comedy serial portraiting the funny situation they find themselves in. ]

Titliyan -
[ drama - some kind of kitty party plot ]

Target - [ detective - english serial ]

Tu Tu Main Main - [ ]

Tana Bana - [ ]

Tootne Ke Baad - [ ]

Talespin -
[ children - animation serial on sunday mornings]

Ulta Pulta -
[ comedy/satire - cast: jaspal bhatti]

Udaan -
[ drama - it was a story of a girl named kalyani singh who joined the police force and with her hard work and sheer determination - cast: kavita chaudhary, vikram gokhle, shekhar kapur, uttara baokar - 1989-1991]

Vikram Aur Betaal -
[ children / mythology / fantasy - contained stories from Indian mythology that aim at teaching kids lessons of life while entertaining them. The concept of the program was based on Baital Pachisi, a collection of tales about the semi-legendary King Vikramaditya and the Vetala, a huge vampire-like being. based on adventures of king of ujjayaini, vikramaditya and a ghost betal. - cast: arun govil, sajjan kumar, arvind trivedi, deepika chikhalia, vijay arora - producer: ramanand sagar - 1980s ]

Waqt Ki Raftaar -
[ drama - cast: sriprada - producer: adhikari brothers]

Wagle Ki Duniya -
[ comedy - The serial was an adaptation of R K Laxman's "Common Man" cartoon series representing the quintessential common man, in the national newspaper The Times of India. - cast: anjan srivastav, bharti achrekar - producer: durga khote productions - music: vanraj bhatia ]

World Of Sports -
[ sports - anchor: anupam gulati ]

Wah Jaanab -
[ comedy - cast: shekhar suman ]

Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi -
[ comedy - this was the first hit comedy serial. this serial gave fame to so many actors. the episodes revolved around funny happenings in the lives of ranjit verma and renu verma, who play a married couple along with renu's unmarried and unemployed younger brother raja. other characters were ranjit's boss, his bengali neighbours - cast: shafi inamdar, swaroop sampat, rakesh bedi, tiku talsania, satish shah, farida jalal, javed khan, sulbha arya, vijay kashyap - 1984 ]

Yatra -
[ travel & tour - this entire serial was based on the journey on indian railways . i think the message was how railways contribute to the national integration - anchor: om puri - traverses the length of the country from jammu to kanyakumari. ]

Zaban Sambhal Ke - [ ]