शनिवार, मार्च 10, 2012

I Seriously Miss You

I miss you
Can you hear my heart calling you?
Can you hear my soul scream?
Can you see the desperation in my face
When you say I won‘t see you again?
Can you feel the tears
That fall like summer rain?
I miss you
I miss the conversation
And all the easy laughs
I miss the way we used to sit
And watch the people pass
I miss my best friend
And all the times we had
I miss all the jokes we’d make
About the latest fad
I could talk to you about anything
There weren’t any taboos
I could tell you everything
My deep-est thoughts you knew
If you ever wonder
Let the knowledge ring through
Know that immersed in my heart
I miss you...

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

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